Martin Finke – Other Men (Other Voices

Martin Finke – Other Men (Other Voices

Martin Finke – Other Men (Live) Other Voices – Songs from a Room Series 1 St James Church Dingle County Kerry Ireland ——– in the night time locks are loosened bows untied i shake off my shoes in a travelling way a day of service done a closing to the day i find a blushing message in my mail and read it as the light begins to fail a flicker on the screen sets your name dancing it’s a pinch of electricity that answered tonight i’ll regale other men with tales that i’ll be seeing you again tonight i went outside and walked away i walked onto the road i took a look at the black ground from it came this old dreaming house you helped me line the stones that mark out this straight walking way and i hooked up a curtain to sing behind to work behind to fall beneath the night behind and fling back on a sunday tonight i’ll regale other men with tales that i’ll be seeing you again tonight i read it in a book americans could fix it so that they could float a boat down heavy rivers and control it

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