Large Mound: Another Year Of Rock – Lovely Pork

Large Mound have released Lovely Pork, the penultimate track from their 12 month Another Year Of Rock album project.

Song 11 from the album released one song at a time, 25th every month in 2011.

The penultimate installment of Large Mound‘s Another Year of Rock drops today, November 25th. Lovely Pork is a song for the man who eats everything, tormented by those who can’t. It was written by Mark, and recorded all over the shop by the various players. Alan Murphy once again occupies the drum stool while Dudley Colley makes another AYOR appearance adding mellotron and piano.

The song is the second track from the album to be mixed by Kris Poulin’s golden ears. Mastering was by Stephen Quinn, and the frankly disturbing artwork was supplied by Ruan at Big Wow.

You can pay with a tweet, or whatever you like at and you’ll find the rest of the album at

The 12th and final Another Year Of Rock song will be released on Christmas Day. There’ll be a physical release and an official launch in the new year.

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