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  1. R

    Bug Central

    A few unreleased tracks here for download if anyones interested Bug Central
  2. R

    Recommend new bands thread with links

    SLUG from London has members of Intensive Care, Active Slaughter and Bug Central. Their website has a few free downloads available
  3. R

    Bug Central

    Also looking to play some gigs in Ireland again - so let us know if anyone is putting anything and looking for another band - cheers!
  4. R

    Bug Central

    this is now available for €7.50 (inc p&p) from PO Box 61326, London N19 9AR - if anyones interested!
  5. R

    Bug Central

    Thats him - same trilby!!
  6. R

    Bug Central

    Yeah, our old drummer left and now plays with Active Slaughter and Intensive Care
  7. R

    Bug Central

    That song is the only one from the new album on the myspace page but there is a re-recording of one of the songs there (burning bush) and there is another of the album tracks on this link (go to bands, and then to friday). But yeah the newer stuff is a bit different.
  8. R

    Bug Central

    sorry - shamless plug here new studio album from anarcho punks Bug Central available from
  9. R


    Can anyone give me some contacts for promoters? I'm trying to sort some gigs in the summer for Bug Central and Active Slaughter, Dublin and 1 or 2 other places. Cheers folks
  10. R

    Bug Central

    Janer - the female bassist was Clara, who's now in a band called Dirty Love. She will probably be back in Intensive Care at some point, since the members seem to rotate. Sorry to you and anyone else who turned up expecting to see her at Bohs bar!!
  11. R

    Bug Central

    Yes he will be happy, he probably wont stop talking for a week. No sorry, thats normal for him! I think Intensive Care might be over there again soon from what they told me, i know they are playing Belfast soon, so were hoping to fit in a few more gigs. I used to play bass for em.
  12. R

    Bug Central

    Yeah i'm in Bug Central and was in Intensive Care until recently...nice avatar!!
  13. R

    Bug Central

    Bug Central have made their whole 1999 LP "The meek will inherit nothing" available to download for free from their official site
  14. R

    Bug Central

    yeah well we decided to take a break for a while!!
  15. R

    Anyone have ITV4?

    Most of these documentaries seem to feature the same footage, same bands, and usually some people from the early punk scene talking about how punk died in 78 (or whenever it was they stopped being involved in it). I've got ITV4 but i dont know if i could be arsed watching this.
  16. R

    Bug Central

    Bit of shameless advertising here - sorry - Bug Central have some new material available to download at
  17. R


    This is quite a good read and i heard there may be another book in the pipeline with anarcho stuff from 84 up to the present