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  1. M

    what is wrong with irish music?

    none of you boggers going to respond to this? the silence is deafening. pity its not this easy to shut up irish 'musicians'.
  2. M

    what is wrong with irish music?

    nobody actually answered this question. what is wrong with irish music? answer: everything! you spud pickers have contributed NOTHING to the world of music. u2=american music played in a whiny, pretentious manner. irish trad music = english and breton trad music without the rythym, just a...
  3. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    is that damien gill from looks remarkably like him.
  4. M

    Check out me band "elsewhere"(we're bleedin' deadly)

    sorry, my mistake. i gotu mixed up with the dublin band turd. please ignore last few comments. are we still on 4 a shag?
  5. M

    Check out me band "elsewhere"(we're bleedin' deadly)

    then why does it say dublin on you page? (cant believe im engaging in this)
  6. M

    Check out me band "elsewhere"(we're bleedin' deadly)

    yes you are what? fool. typical paddy scum that think they know anything about music. go dance in a river paddy.
  7. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    you bastard. apologise to that gentleman immediately!
  8. M

    Check out me band "elsewhere"(we're bleedin' deadly)

    sorry, did you say something sweetie?
  9. M

    Check out me band "elsewhere"(we're bleedin' deadly)

    are you getting turned on baby?
  10. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    wait a vinnies not dead???
  11. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    anyway ladies, im afraid i must go at this juncture. in the hope that i do not get banned i shall see you all again shortly. over to you vinnie.
  12. M

    Check out me band "elsewhere"(we're bleedin' deadly)

    do your research before you jump into this particular fire little girl.
  13. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    only joking buddy
  14. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    sick bastard.
  15. M

    Check out me band "elsewhere"(we're bleedin' deadly)

    refresh the page you dimwit. have you ever used computer b4?
  16. M

    Check out me band "elsewhere"(we're bleedin' deadly)

    please refer to my thread; 'what is wrong with irish music'. perhaps post a link to your band there by way of answering that puzzling question. thanks girls.
  17. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    wow you can type! i thought you could only paste pics. hmm. go back to pasting pics, boy.
  18. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    shut the fuck up you twat. have you been following this at all? of course its not me you dumb fuck.
  19. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    english bastard.
  20. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    y the fuck not? you think you're better than me? you think im not good enough 4 u fuckface?