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  1. Y

    i'm going out

    i'm coming too, with till i put on some slap and stuff my cock into my panties.
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    OAK split up

    my cousin knows brian and said his ma was giving him SERIOUS hassle to get his hair cut but the lads in the band were having none of it. could this have been something to do with it?
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    top thumpeds

    Vincent! Behave Yourself!
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    Bored in Work 188

    Re: Thumped table quiz for charity i'm having dinner
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    Three Songs

    Like, totally.
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    If you were stuck in an elevator...

    Dip, and anything by the jimmy cakes
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    what's a good lou reed album?

    take that bro.
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    Favourite smells

    I love the tang off me fellas farts
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    another top 5 thread..gigs o' the year..

    anything by the beatles
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    The Dissapearance of Vinnie PT II

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    Where did Vinnie go?

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    Happy birthday c0De_n1NjA

    happy birthday big boy, have some birthday rep...
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    Where did Vinnie go?

    I got sick of taking that piece of meat with me. Never fear though girls, i'm in one piece. The other little tubey piece was mushed up and injected into my chest. Oooh! Mistletoe!
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    Where did Vinnie go?

    i was recovering. But i feel WONDERFULL now, boys.
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    Dont worrry girls, the bitch is back. I'm not going to let the big bullys ruin it for everyone. Anyone got any lip-gloss?
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    Where did Vinnie go?

    Best post Op trannie ever, you mean *flutters eyelashes, giggles
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    Where did Vinnie go?

    any of you boys want to finger my gee? its brand new.
  18. Y

    Where did Vinnie go?

    I'm not called Vinnie anymore, i had an Operation.