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  1. M

    Out Hud

    Hey Lizzie, Throw me a link for me to check out the stuff ur on about! did u have a look at morph yet? ...dont be shy!.....LOL! "HAPPY DAYS!" MIKE :)
  2. M

    morph at SXSW & Glastonbury 2005!

    Can u listen wen u get home? Now that u have said so much it seems u must know a lot about music, i really value ur opinion on this! Please check it out wen u can and get back to me ASAP! if we r not to ur likin i will apologise for wastin ur time, if u like wot we r doing, ill send u a free...
  3. M

    morph at SXSW & Glastonbury 2005!

    The fat guy is Frankie McClay that recoreded the album in his studio, the skinny guy is Mep in training for a pull through for a rifle...HA HA! But seriously guys, why all the fucked up statements? Go check them out and ill listen to all your childish remarx! "HASPPY DAYS!" MIKE :)
  4. M

    morph at SXSW & Glastonbury 2005!

    Hey Neilo, So far ur the only one who has talked sense! the ebow remark was mentioned by a guy that reviewed the album, check out motion at our site and tell me wot u think, i'll hang about to see wot u think! have a wee look at our video for lonelyfriend too at the same...
  5. M

    morph at SXSW & Glastonbury 2005!

    whos the hag? u r that ugly fucker beside u......BYUKKK!
  6. M

    morph at SXSW & Glastonbury 2005!

    Hey fellow earbashers! Please come over to our site to wish us luck via our guestbook! I look forward to it! MIKE :)
  7. M

    Voodoo lounge!

    Hey Damien, Thanx for that!! I hope to see you there. if you can bring a bus load of your mates.......HE HE!! "HAPPY DAYS!" MIKE :)
  8. M

    Voodoo lounge!

    Could I ask you to expand on "weak" as we are very open to criticism,its all welcome! Hope to see you there! MIKE :)
  9. M

    Voodoo lounge!

    Hey Guys..Don't forget about Thursday, morph could well do with your support to raise the atmosphere for the major label interest that will be there! I hope to see you there! "HAPPY DAYS!" MIKE :)
  10. M

    Videos wanted

    Hey Pete, Morph have two very good videos at you can download both to add to your collection! I look forward to hearing back from you! "HAPPY DAYS!" MIKE :)
  11. M

    morph showcasing at the Voodoo lounge!

    Voodoo Lounge Showcase Anyone with an eye on our recent press will have noticed our debut album Morphsville has been recieving rave reviews across the board. This has not escaped the attention of several record labels who are keen to hear where the band will take their sound next. So with this...
  12. M

    morph showcase at the Voodoo, Aran's quay!

    Voodoo Lounge Showcase Anyone with an eye on our recent press will have noticed our debut album Morphsville has been recieving rave reviews across the board. This has not escaped the attention of several prestigous record labels who are keen to hear where the band will take their sound next...