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  1. E

    Halfset Album launch

    Yep, Halfset will be finished by 11pm so no clash there.
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    HALFSET - Album release & Irish Dates

    it looks like this
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    jimmy behan - reviewed on brainwashed

    Lot's of great reviews for this record,
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    The Return of Dead Can Dance

    Best live gig I was every at.
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    Jimmy Behan Debut LP Launch Thurs 28 Oct @ 4 Dame Lane

    It's currently available in City Disc's, Road Records, All City, Big Brother, Spin Dizzy, Selectah, HMV Grafton St. only Dublin based shops so far. It will be available regionally but as no Irish distributor had the foresight to be interested, despite consistent national airplay from Donal...
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    Jimmy Behan Debut LP Launch Thurs 28 Oct @ 4 Dame Lane

    Sorry guys. Slight oversight on my behalf, I left out the price. Unfortunately it's not free but it is only €7.
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    Jimmy Behan Debut LP Launch Thurs 28 Oct @ 4 Dame Lane

    I can't believe it's not battered
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    Jimmy Behan Debut LP Launch Thurs 28 Oct @ 4 Dame Lane

    Jaysus, for someone that uses the moniker veryslowley you are pretty quick off the mark. Do you spend your day sitting by the computer breakfast roll in hand just waiting to respond to elusive mails or it an indiscriminatory honour reserved for any unsuspecting newbies. Love the possessed by...
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    Jimmy Behan Debut LP Launch Thurs 28 Oct @ 4 Dame Lane

    Elusive Recordings present their fourth release, "Days are what we live in" the debut LP from Jimmy Behan. 10 tracks of deceptively complex layered organic and electronic sounds which combine to create a beautifully simple overall sound that is 100% Jimmy Behan Launch Night @ 4 Dame Lane...
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    Jimmy Behan/Elusive

    Jimmy Behan debut LP Launch @ 4 Dame Lane Dublin 2 Thurs 28 Oct from 8-11pm Jimmy Behan (live) Chequerboard (live) Northstation (live) press descriptions of Jimmy's music " beautifully laid back slice of summer drifting" Eclectic Honey "wispy, warm, electronic folk" the Ticket...
  11. E

    Jimmy Behan/Elusive

    cool, looks like a great album.
  12. E

    Jimmy Behan LP launch thurs 28 Oct @ 4 Dame Lane

    It's a little bit of a misnomer referring to Jimmy's LP as electronica, as it is quite a bit broader than the usual reference points for the term, but you have to call it something and I suppose electronica is the most suitable box to squeeze it into.
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    Jimmy Behan LP launch thurs 28 Oct @ 4 Dame Lane

    bump. wouldn't want you to miss out on this cos you were abusing each other over a cardigan or other such nonsense.
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    Jimmy Behan LP launch thurs 28 Oct @ 4 Dame Lane

    Following the well received Eklectra compilation and continuing with the theme of melodic electronica Elusive Recordings present their fourth release, "Days are what we live in" the debut LP from Jimmy Behan. 10 tracks of deceptively complex layers or organic and electronic sounds which...
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    Elusive present a night of live electronica

    fuck those freemasons, interfering bastards.
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    Elusive present a night of live electronica

    Jim Davidson's bastard brother Eric. Jim was always the funny one in the family. How he made us laugh and laugh and laugh...........................
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    Elusive present a night of live electronica

    preperation H and removing your thumb from your ass might help.
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    Witness, Shitfest, Poxygene, whatever you want to call it is has one agenda, make as much money as possible with the lowest common denominator line-up biggest draw names they can afford to book. The difference with a festival like ATP and MOR is the people involved actually give a shit both...