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  1. T


    Right. Who's this party here? You'd do well now to get home as quick as possible now, or I'll run you all in. Ti's a deserted corner of the internet you're in now, and a man could get the wrong idea. And bring that Speed Racer thing with yiz. He's in mortal danger if left out in the...
  2. T

    smoking in pubs banned

    A night in the chokey wouldn't do you any harrum, you cheeky little scut ye. Nother Powers there Pete, good man.
  3. T

    smoking in pubs banned

    Ah. Good man yourself. Burp.
  4. T

    smoking in pubs banned

    Ah, shure go wan, just the one then. A large Powers, there Pete.
  5. T

    smoking in pubs banned

    Seriously, I have to be up early for a match tomorrow lads, and it's way past closin. Finish up now, the sergeant is comin down now in five minutes, and I won't be able to help yiz then.
  6. T

    smoking in pubs banned

    RIGHT! That's IT! I want EVERYBODY to get the FUCK out of here.