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  • Users: seanc
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  1. S

    You know you're getting old....

    I'm not getting any wans of any description lately. BECAUSE I'M SUCH A NICE GUY!!!! Mr. friendzone over here. Sorry for all of your losses. Don't let it make you feel old in a bad way. Whatever DMP said about enjoying the moments you have and that.
  2. S

    Minor complaints thread

    It usually means that you've swallowed some line cleaner. Or some other unpleasantness that has gotten into the mix. Sometimes you'll drink some funky IPA and it'll disagree with you. But yes, the "bad pint" is usually a bad excuse for over exuberance. I'm not sure what happened to me. It...
  3. S

    Minor complaints thread

    I'll stay frosty
  4. S

    Minor complaints thread

    Thought so, Probably not that then. There is a bug going around.
  5. S

    Minor complaints thread

    What happens when you drink "a bad pint?" I just had loads of muscle pain around my chest and adomen. It feels like muscle pain. It's not my liver or kidneys. I think I may have tried throwing up but was just dry wretching. I never normally vomit. It was weird though, it wasn't a particularly...
  6. S

    facebook ate my brain

    I gave that an "I" rather than a thumbs up because I just find the vitriol bizarre. I am detached of course.
  7. S

    Minor complaints thread

    Wow.....I need to take a look at myself with that one. Probably best that I went home to bed in any case.
  8. S

    facebook ate my brain

    I would disagree. People on their FB and Twitter silo's are having a circle jerk. This Thumped lot remain perennially and peripetically unsatisfied.
  9. S

    facebook ate my brain

    anti-social media, in the best possible sense.
  10. S

    facebook ate my brain

    My uncle hates Eamon Ryan so much. I would never know this if it weren't for FB. It's an interesting insight into the underbelly of stupidness that exists in Irish political "discourse". He's smarter then most even if I disagree with him. I just wish he knew that the stuff he posts doesn't just...
  11. S

    Minor complaints thread

    Bollocks And lonely
  12. S

    Jaysus cycling!

    A quick Google says £1200
  13. S

    Jaysus cycling!

    This thing just appeared in the gaff. Titus, apparently. Ovoid carbon tubing. Weird double front gears, 44/24 or something. Why go carbon but have two bottle cages. Apparently LBS is having a clear out and housemate now has this and at least one other bike frame he'll never use. They are...
  14. S

    facebook ate my brain

    Can't find the other thread. This wasn't even their algorithm, something a human I know actually shared. Chickens are cheese making gay dinosaurs. The typos are I'm sure intentional. Horrible horrible shite.
  15. S

    Unpopular Opinions

    Maybe that's the thing, now that you say it.
  16. S

    Unpopular Opinions

    I've certainly illicited a reaction. I stand by my opinion, though I respect all of yours. Except the Dave Mustaine one.
  17. S

    You know you're getting old....

    I'm all good. The young one who danced was grand, her friends were confused. The older one used to feed me chips and Guinness when I was working-but-broke. Because that was £5 back then and she worked here. it's weird having her treating me as an equal, same age type person.
  18. S

    You know you're getting old....

    Further to last nights shenanigans mentioned elsewhere, A beautiful young woman asked me to dance last night. Not the woman who pinched my bum. It was open mic night and the singer was playing a local standard that I knew the words to. I realise now that she was actually dancing with the safe...
  19. S

    Meeting People

    We've known each other for years. Anyway, I wouldn't be so bold as to apply a gender to thumped dot com.
  20. S

    Meeting People

    Someone pinched my bum tonight. Then got talking to other people, then danced with me. I didn't know what to do, she was just out on a big flirty mad one I guess. Dancing to an open mic night though. There's more to the story. But what is the etiquette on bum pinching? I'm confused.