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  1. P

    Coming to Ireland from the US

    hey Cormy- i finaly got that scene report you sent a while back. dont know why but i couldnt download it from work (???) anyway, i am going to print it out and bring it with me, along with this thread. Andy- i checked out those bands. quite an eclectic show, eh? nothing really my speed but my...
  2. P

    Coming to Ireland from the US

    thanks Kirstie. i have been looking at their website and it is a bit vague... guess i'll have to find a copy of the mag and then ask around some, when we get there. i really appreciate all the assistance!
  3. P

    Coming to Ireland from the US

    what kind of music does Estel and Baseball Fury play? i am still looking for punk shows to goto and i leave tomorrow. hopefuly, i will be able to find a cyber cafe to check this board and email while i am there. i talked to a friend of mine here in the US who is from Belfast. she told me to...
  4. P

    Coming to Ireland from the US

    thanks alot Cormy! i sent you an email and i am checking that site out now. if you run across anything, please let me know! thanks!
  5. P

    Coming to Ireland from the US

    thanks! i hadent noticed the "listings" section yet. been looking around on a ton of other sites... from looking at that, all the bands i know are GBH, Motorhead, Vice Squad and they playing later in the year! (except for Vice Squad) =O( do you know if any places i can look to find...
  6. P

    Coming to Ireland from the US

    hey guys, my wife and i will be in Ireland from march 9 till march 24. Since the FMD problem, we have limted out trip to Ireland only, rather than England as well. since we are only going to be in Ireland for 2 weeks, we wanted to try and find some good punk shows. i have been scouring the...
  7. P

    Oh my!

    wow... small world, huh? i used to hang with King's X a few years ago. Doug used to favor a bar i used to work at call Number's in Houston, TX USA. if he is in country still, tell him "Dick from Number's" said "hey!"