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  1. L

    tartan aisaextreme films at ugc dublin

    What exactly is so hard about that sentence to understand? And how exactly are you planning to "blast" me? I'd like to see that happening!
  2. L

    Proper Scary Stuff

    xsteox, I agree that ring is not that scary, but ring 2 and ring 0 are far better in most aspects accept for storyline, they equal ring in my opinion in that aspect. The special effects seem to be a lot better too (in 2 and 0) And george, I wouldn't be surprised if you had just based your...
  3. L

    Proper Scary Stuff

    How is The Eye over rated?! Hardly anyone has seen it to be over rated! And if you are basing your opinion merely on the calligraphy scene, then you really should watch it properly...and the correct quote is "You're in my chair".....just though I'd be a nit picker and point that out...... And...
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    tartan aisaextreme films at ugc dublin

    When did I say I was shocked by it? I thought it was an excellent film, an idea not explored by many film makers, directors or writers. The acting was above standard and the casting director deserves some kind of award for choosing such a perfect cast. Ps....What exact meaning of the...
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    tartan aisaextreme films at ugc dublin

    JTS Brown, why EXACTLY was Audition "bollix" as you so beautifully put it? It's one of the best Japanese thrillers out there and the acting is superb as is the story line.
  6. L

    Proper Scary Stuff

    check out the of the scariest japenese films ever made and ring 2 and then ring WILL have poo in your pants....