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  1. dublinbusdriver

    Asshole bus driver

    Shower o' cunts. I just left the Connect 4 Orchestra home on the 12.30 Nitelink, €4 home all the way. Chisel From The Hip, wha'? Mongo only Pawn in Game of Life. Wun thirty is all I charge the young wans Spitual Champ and Seany C. Who youse calling thick. Daw brains.
  2. dublinbusdriver

    Asshole bus driver

    Ah jaysus, just finished another day's hard work. Fuggin' poxy passengers, what they think this is, a service? Here missus, its wun thurty for you and sixty-five for the chiseler. Gerrup ourra dat, I'm not letting you on for a flash of yissir tits. Ah go on so... Fuggin' students, wha? Never...
  3. dublinbusdriver

    Asshole bus driver

    Here, wha's the bleedin' story, wha'? Prick moaning about his change? Youse never paid 2 quid, roight? Youse only put in wan thurty, I seen youse. Youse are bleedin' lucky I let youse on at all. Fucks sake, can I not read me paper in peace. No missus, I'm on me break. Jaysus, its statury...