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  1. Danny_Mc

    Retro Revival Ball Sat Oct 24th

    This looks deadly! Or rap-eh (as Mikah Wallace might say)
  2. Danny_Mc

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    Howdah From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Elephant with howdah A howdah, or houdah, is a carriage which is positioned on the back of an elephant, or occasionally some other animal, used most often in the past to carry wealthy people or for use in hunting or warfare. It was also a...
  3. Danny_Mc

    New Punk Zine

    Glof( or Golf even) Punk.... Since when is glof a cool and sexy sport? And what is "punk" about it? I don't understand...:confused:
  4. Danny_Mc

    The 'share a song you can't stop playing' thread

    Guaranteed to stick in the head.....::clef::
  5. Danny_Mc

    An Bord Snip Nua

    Well they backed down over taxing mobile homes for one thing....
  6. Danny_Mc

    Whats the story with Tesco's?

    Was in Sainsburys in Derry last week buying a couple of Buideals when the girl at the checkout thought she would warn me that next week punters will have to prove they are over twenty five to buy booze! Not sure why she told me that seeing as I just turned thirty eight but still and all...
  7. Danny_Mc

    Favorite Cover Version

    comment "tinu ( this is the best thing that has ever happened to me." Ah here! :rolleyes:
  8. Danny_Mc


    I got tickets yesterday for Sunday 15th in the Olympia... now it looks like they've added a Saturday gig!!
  9. Danny_Mc

    Inside Today's KKK

    The wedding pic is great! The shiner on the groom is priceless!! That moron with the "racist" tattoo on his forehead seems to get about a bit doesn't he?
  10. Danny_Mc

    animated gif thread

  11. Danny_Mc


    Good stuff... .|..|
  12. Danny_Mc

    Table Tennis / Games night in Seomra Spraoi

    Fucks sake....what day is today? Ah to not have a care in the world.....
  13. Danny_Mc

    Bored In Work 369

  14. Danny_Mc


    Yeah UK and N Ireland only, but it'll be in next weeks Times down here...allegedly
  15. Danny_Mc

    Photos of your Pets

    Here's the folks wee lad...
  16. Danny_Mc

    Happy Birthday to dregin on 11th July 2009

    Happy birthday ya big ballix
  17. Danny_Mc

    animated gif thread

  18. Danny_Mc

    Greatest Amebix video ever

    So that's what happened to Reverend Jim (out of Taxi)....
  19. Danny_Mc

    Awesome cover,awesome original.

    This is the original I think...
  20. Danny_Mc

    Awesome cover,awesome original.

    Awesome cover... Awesome original...