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  • Before: Feb 10, 2010
  • Users: Ferox13
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  1. Ferox13

    Dexter fan Strangles 10 Year Old Brother

    He's a teen son he probably downloaded... Ban the Internets too.
  2. Ferox13

    Dexter fan Strangles 10 Year Old Brother

    Posted this on another board: Ind. Teen Charged With Strangling Brother, 10 Officials: Ind. teen charged with strangling brother, 10, identified with TV serial killer The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS December 4, 2009 (AP) An Indiana 17-year-old authorities say identified with a television...
  3. Ferox13

    worst films of the decade

    I don't really understand the hate for MATRIX (the first one) - the influence and it contribution to pop culture i can but otherwise i thought it was a great Sci-Fi film..
  4. Ferox13

    worst films of the decade

    The Ring wasn't bad and the 1st Matrix is really good. House of the Dead is the worst I've seen in the cinema this decade..
  5. Ferox13

    Law Abiding Citizen

    I meant to say 'unbelievable' twice btw..
  6. Ferox13

    Law Abiding Citizen

    WOW - talk about unbelievable, offensive, mindless shite that caters to the lowest common denominator.. Can't believe I really liked it. Took my Ma to see it (she's 74 and loves stuff like The Transporter/Die Hard etc but she thought it was total crap).. Its basically about a guy whose...
  7. Ferox13

    debit cards

    Yeah I know.... The story she told me was that her Laser was expired and they sent her the Ulster bank Visa debit card as a replacement. She said a lot of places she went to couldn't take it..
  8. Ferox13

    debit cards

    Just the debit aspect of it - apprently they replaced her Laser card with it..I can't see how that'd work though.
  9. Ferox13

    debit cards

    My Ma was bitching about this card from Ulster bank as it seems its not excepted in a lot of places she tryed..
  10. Ferox13

    Sons of Anarchy is back

    Not a bad ending at all.. Loved the shoot up of the Mayan motorcade. It was a bit much that they didn't spend 2 minutes extra (or split the group) to waste Zobelle.. As i said beofre the Provos need more loveavle rogue appeal but I loved the great demonstration of IRA Hand to Hand Combat...
  11. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Good vampire film - like most of Park's work it starts off slow then ends in crazyness....It was a lot diffrent than i expected.
  12. Ferox13

    New PC?

    I'm looking to get one soon too.. I was waiting til Windows 7 came out - prolly want to get dual monitors too.
  13. Ferox13

    annoying flatmates

    No it was totally dryed out like a husk..A felline mummy so to speak.
  14. Ferox13

    annoying flatmates

    She found it in a shed in a place she moved into - it was already totally desiccated...
  15. Ferox13

    annoying flatmates

    A friend of mine used to have this on her wall..
  16. Ferox13

    The Worst Thing About Dublin

    We could call it Ballymun 2 :-)
  17. Ferox13

    Torrent site

    Didn't know that about Eircom... There's always Newsgroups.. I wonder will Demonoid come back from the dead.
  18. Ferox13

    Sons of Anarchy is back

    Well thats definally not Butchy form JFC. So its a new guy - so it'll prolly kick off with him next season... Is it just me or is sniffing you daughters hands for traces of Provo Pee Pee not a bit creepy..
  19. Ferox13

    Sons of Anarchy is back

    I didn't realise it was butchy yost from john from cincinatti but then again I' only watching John FC now.. Was it some one who fucked up and they kicked him out - i can't remember.
  20. Ferox13

    Sons of Anarchy is back

    WOW - The SHield was one of the best TV cop shows ever (next to The Sweeny) - you should check it out.. The character was a cop in The Shield so its not the same character - actually I just copped that the One-Niners were the same gang as the Shield (they do have a writer in common)..