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  • Before: Jul 9, 2009
  • Users: Danny_Mc
  • Order by date
  1. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    Agreed. Hadn't seen Roosky before and thought they were pretty rockin'. Pity the hall was just about empty when they played, but I'll blame the fantastic weather and good vibes for that! :cool:
  2. Danny_Mc

    Drumcanoo highlights

    I didn't get to see many bands at all! too much socializing! In fact I socialized so much that Sunday was a complete waste for me. I'm still in bits!! Looking forward to next year where I will not imbibe quite as much as I did this year! Well done to all involved with organizing the whole...
  3. Danny_Mc


    Yeah it's not too bad now. Still VERY warm but a bit overcast...
  4. Danny_Mc


    Sun has been splitting the stones all week up here! Now it's fucking pissing rain.... :-(
  5. Danny_Mc

    rip sky saxon

    I'm more upset about Sky passing than Michael fucking Jackson... :(
  6. Danny_Mc

    michael jackson...dead!?!

    Sky Saxon died today too.... YouTube - The Seeds - Pushin' Too Hard and of course the lovely Farrah...
  7. Danny_Mc

    Favorite Cover Version

    Great song Not a bad cover
  8. Danny_Mc

    Belfast racists.

    Dreadful behaviour, Prods I bet! Man i hate bigotry
  9. Danny_Mc

    Samsung Camera

    Thanks for the help. Yeah the computer sees the device alright. I just wondered why I couldn't open any files from the CD that came with it! No matter as it all works fine.
  10. Danny_Mc

    Official Thumped position on Lisbon

    Never been there myself but it can't be any worse than Dublin...
  11. Danny_Mc

    Samsung Camera

    Just bought a new camera. For some reason I can't run the installer yoke that comes on the CD with it though. Archiver can't open it? Any suggestions?
  12. Danny_Mc


    Due to Ludo going off and breaking his ankle, Ructions won't be playing at Drumacanoo now...I know I know....But sure there are other bands playing so it's worth the trip up anyway.....
  13. Danny_Mc

    Bored In Work 365

  14. Danny_Mc

    animated gif thread

  15. Danny_Mc

    Bored In Work 364

    Amazing football accuracy!
  16. Danny_Mc


    Bloody hell! That's a great service. Fair fucks to 'em .|..|
  17. Danny_Mc

    Imelda May

    Ahh Imelda is pretty rockin', although everytime I hear her name I think of "Uumellmahaye" out of the man with two brains.....
  18. Danny_Mc

    Random Photos

    Great colours.... if you look towards the centre of the picture you can make out two ghostly figures in white!! Creepy :eek: Perhaps it's a haunted bouncy castle?
  19. Danny_Mc

    animated gif thread

  20. Danny_Mc

    Black Metal Nonsense Mongers

    ....and again