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  1. 7 - No tomorrow


    They may sound similar but being a follower of Islam doesn’t necessarily mean you’re an Islamist. You see Islam is a religion that Muslims follow, whereas Islamism is the ‘desire to impose any version of Islam over society’. If you want to go deeper, Jihadism is the use of ‘force to spread...
  2. 7 - No tomorrow


    Do you read a difference between Islamist and Islam? I read one as an ideology, the other as a religion. One is a perverted, often violent, movement that kills people, mostly Muslims. The other is a quarter of the population of the planet, mostly peaceful and just trying to get along like...
  3. 7 - No tomorrow


    Racist apparently, or too American or something.
  4. 7 - No tomorrow


    Godawful This poor woman, and her family. Fuck me.
  5. 7 - No tomorrow


    Well, that's exactly it. If it's an Islamist, then people will leverage that against the religion and the spiral worsens. It seemed similar to that squaddie in the UK getting murdered and just coming off that French cop getting stabbed the other day, you hear a govt official has been stabbed to...
  6. 7 - No tomorrow


    This won't load
  7. 7 - No tomorrow


    We all know where we stand. We just need fresh ammo.
  8. 7 - No tomorrow


    Love and inclusion beat anger and rejection? Tie him into the hate killings in Orlando. Dunno how they do it. But they need all the help they can get.
  9. 7 - No tomorrow


    really? One of the first things I thought of. "Hope this isn't an Islamist nutjob."
  10. 7 - No tomorrow


    That's a relief.
  11. 7 - No tomorrow


    They are not saying the one thing everyone wants to know - is this Islamist or not? But they have said the attacker is 52, which would make him old for a jihadi, wouldn't it? Could easily have been someone with a grudge over immigrants and all the job-taking and so on.
  12. 7 - No tomorrow


    More and more neutral commentators saying it looks like a Brexit landslide. This is good for me personally and financially. But bad for Europe. The European project has been wonderful. It's a shame to see ignorance and anger tear it apart. Not for nothing, this is the dumbest move any British...
  13. 7 - No tomorrow


    Right on. He went to Blackrock. He was already as English as they come.
  14. 7 - No tomorrow


    I'm getting hosed right now with the dollar. Euro is stubbornly strong for some reason. It's a risky game.