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  1. 7 - No tomorrow


    I'd like him to go back in time and not be completely MIA in the first referendum He's almost as responsible as May at this point I have zero truck with Thatcher, but the reason she looked like a good option to the Brits was dopes like Jeremy that made the 70s/80s Labour Party a dysfunctional...
  2. 7 - No tomorrow


    It’s fresh to have an Indian perspective Not least to show that the English have form on being utter disregarding haughty bastards If someone Irish wrote this they’d likely be called bitter or unevolved or whatever you get labeled when you call the Sassanach on their shit The Malign...
  3. 7 - No tomorrow


    Not everyone who disagrees with open borders is a racist Not everyone who is for traditional marriage is a homophobe Not everyone against abortion is a misogynist There are plenty who are, but the temptation to paint everyone on the other side as bigoted, evil or stupid is as reductive as it is...
  4. 7 - No tomorrow


  5. 7 - No tomorrow


    We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum. Is this a pre-existing rule or have they just made it up? 72% turnout is great, they can't say they didn't have a...
  6. 7 - No tomorrow


    Any quantification would be as reliable as the last polls predicting a Remain win. Or all the polls that missed a Tory landslide. The only quantification that mattered happened on Thursday. Not all of the electorate is on social media or giving interviews to the Beeb. There are many many people...
  7. 7 - No tomorrow


    There is more going on than UKIP, and more going on than those ads. The English have a natural antipathy to the EU having a say in their affairs; they do not love the European project the way most of the other members do. The way we do, the way the French and Germans do. Any vote in the UK on...
  8. 7 - No tomorrow


    The referendum was a horrible idea, as dumb a political move as there's been But disregard for the working class is what's got us here. It is stored up trouble.
  9. 7 - No tomorrow


    That's very possible. I don't live in the EU, it's just massively disappointing rather than a personal tragedy. It feels how Thatcher wins used to feel.
  10. 7 - No tomorrow


    Wait, are we living in a Children Of Men prequel or a V For Vendetta one?
  11. 7 - No tomorrow


    Yeah, it's mostly a philosophical defeat for unity. If you have no skin in the game, like me, life will truck on.
  12. 7 - No tomorrow


    With respect to the youngs, that needs a turnout % column
  13. 7 - No tomorrow


  14. 7 - No tomorrow


    Photo of boris has teh same effect
  15. 7 - No tomorrow


    I don't always agree with the FT, but then again they're not usually this magnanimous
  16. 7 - No tomorrow


    Britain shows its true colours Mad gear If any of you over the next 6 months start to wonder how someone like Trump has an electoral constituency in the US, just think that Boris johnson and Nigel Farage just won a majority for asshatism in the UK. Unbelievable.
  17. 7 - No tomorrow


    For sure But he's leader, he at least owes it to Labour voters (who would likely suffer more than most in the case of a Brexit) that their party's stance is Remain. From what I read in multiple places, there doesn't seem to be widespread knowledge among these voters that Labour is for Remain...
  18. 7 - No tomorrow


    Looks like the tide is turning for the Remain crowd thank fuck Corbyn has been some feckless dipshit in this campaign If this is the UK's hope of unseating the Tories, they are in for a fuck long wait
  19. 7 - No tomorrow


    You wouldn't think that way cos you're not racist. Not sure how else to view it. I think it's fine to speculate who might be killing innocents, when they have form in this sort of thing.
  20. 7 - No tomorrow


    I said it probably wasn't, shitbag if you don't know what teh terms mean, that's on you