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  1. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    She does not! Padraig, you're dead next time I see you. Just so you know in advance.
  2. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    nope they're two different people, dudes. Cat Power is such a hottie :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
  3. sweetoblivion

    I find it odd when people my age have kids

    My mum had four kids aged 6 and under at the age of 32....I don't know how she did it! I don't think I'd have more than two children, but I suppose you can plan for things in life but life will do what it wants.
  4. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

  5. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    fixed that for you.
  6. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    I think I prefer him with his clothes on :eek:
  7. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    Oh hai Luke.
  8. sweetoblivion

    easy recipes for not-very-good cooks...

    why thank you ;) not dosed in five million grams of saturated fat, actual healthy falafels, who'da thunk it! :)
  9. sweetoblivion

    crap restaurants.

    jesus h christ. I'd never eat again!!
  10. sweetoblivion

    easy recipes for not-very-good cooks...

    What would life be without thyme, rosemary, garlic and olive oil?! I'm serious. You can throw 'em on anything - veg, potatoes, meat - and they just make it delicious. I made gorgeous sweet potato falafels last week, but they take about 2hrs preparation time (cooking and chilling) so they're not...
  11. sweetoblivion

    easy recipes for not-very-good cooks...

    I can thankfully report I can now actually cook properly and spend quite a ridiculous amount of money on ingredients... :)
  12. sweetoblivion

    This new Louis Theroux is heavy

    As my far-bolder-than-me sister would say, 'He'd get it'.
  13. sweetoblivion

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Read this last week. Highly recommended, especially if you like crime and/or stuff about the Victorian age.
  14. sweetoblivion

    This new Louis Theroux is heavy

    There's something about his skinny nerd look that really appeals to me, I'm afraid The fact he could be killed at any moment is appealing. I know I am not alone in this! Thanks for the link :)
  15. sweetoblivion

    This new Louis Theroux is heavy

    Crap I forgot this was on! thanks for the youtube links. I think we need to put Louis in the Horn For thread, again. Sigh.
  16. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    I've never watched that either but I'd say she's Whitney's friend alright. Not that I've seen her in it. ;)
  17. sweetoblivion

    Ham Sandwich pregnancy story on TLC

    Re: Ham Sandwich do Lionel Ritchie I absolutely LOVE the fact the boyfriend is from Scotchland. And the actress's wig and dress sense are priceless. No expense spared, wha? The line: 'she was 112lbs and REALLY SLIM' being repeated one billion times during it got annoying though.
  18. sweetoblivion

    Record Store Day - April 18 2009

    Just made around 30 rice krispie cakes. Hopefully our set will be as tasty :D We're on from 4 - 4.30pm tomorrow. Enjoy Record Store Day everyone! :)
  19. sweetoblivion

    spa nation...

    leaving aside the very politically-incorrect title of this thread (tut!), that article is fucked.