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  1. ostrichsyndrome


    there aren't any, they're all obsessed with hurling... the sport not the after hours activity. I've tried booking gigs in cleere's but the guy there is a wanker unless you work for MCD, then he'll take your gig. there's a small place called anaconda, which is basically a small bar with no...
  2. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    imagine you woke up and 50,000 people had ordered daemien frost's album from HMV... it happened to sonic youth, then again... they are sonic youth
  3. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    what would you do with the bees? i tried this type thing once with a large bucket and poisoned jam, to get the wasps out of the hive in my attic. It just pissed them off more, then had to get people in to take it away. then again you were talking about bees, i was talking about wasps...
  4. ostrichsyndrome

    Coldspoon Conspiracy support NOW ITS OVERHEAD this Sunday

    savage... hot girls in bands... can't wait to ogle them from afar... and then from anear. and the songs i heard are pretty good, drummer heaven from what i can gather... maybe we should ask hag...
  5. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    You're all mental. if you record a song that goes on to be number 1 in a large market, chances are that you'll make money off that for the rest of your life, if you do well on US college radio it'll tide you over for a few years. People live off royalties, i know some who do... they were never...
  6. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    an oxymoron is a contradiction, it's where two words/statements follow each other to construct part of a sentence which contradicts itself, that's why blind luck isn't a contradiction, the duality of luck whether good or bad and the fact that blindness has nothing to to with luck let alone be...
  7. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    actually no it's not at all... safe bet is an oxymoron, see the difference? think maybe you should go join a loners club... why would blind people know that pictures were invented? what possible benefit would it have to them, are they going to feel the texture. would they even care. you are...
  8. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

  9. ostrichsyndrome


    foot on monitor is so gay... all that's missing is a giant hasselhoff fan to blow the lusty locks of the 80's around a bit... wait a fucking minute, we're talking about ac/dc, how the fuck did i get roped into this one...
  10. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    yes it is. when people type in capital letters (that's big letters to you) and they don't make sense it's generally a short way of abbreviating something which is long and seeing as this thread was about Working Class Heroes... you see now. and no it wouldn't be blind luck, blind luck is winning...
  11. ostrichsyndrome


    no, puffs would have one knee out, foot placed on monitor, head back, guitar wankery... i like bands to go out, play, make noise, trash stuff... go home
  12. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    are you buddhist perchance?
  13. ostrichsyndrome


  14. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    If i was being insightful i'd call you a moron. yes there was, it was about how its fucking pointless playing at that WCH thing unless you were ready to be professional and had an album ready to go, fucking nutcase
  15. ostrichsyndrome


    is puff the new retro word for homo, not very PC are we. show me your metal stance and we'll see who's a puff.
  16. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    wait a fucking minute, that's not a reply... here, how do you change your member status to something fun rather than senior member, i'm a bit of a luddite and technology hates me (maybe i'm an anti-neo-luddite, yes they have terms for people who are shit with computers)
  17. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    yeah you would
  18. ostrichsyndrome


    fuck off
  19. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    what a pointless reply on a thread about nothing then. did you even read that? there was a point, you obviously missed it.
  20. ostrichsyndrome

    hard working class heroes 2004

    i don't think you really got the point, it seems stupid that they'd invite industry heads to this, but the way the industry has moved is that bands no longer get signed (this is a fact no band has signed an international deal this year) instead record companies are opting for taking on bands who...