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  • Before: Feb 27, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    Is it a bit sad...

    merry bioanniversary from something less than a man
  2. rumpus

    Höly freakin' Ghöst freakin' Fäthers (freaks)

    Oooooo this is gonna be a filthy album! I need a shower after that track alone...chunky and dirty oooooooooo yes!
  3. rumpus

    John Martyn

    that show is so great, roxy music on it last week - 1971 - I'm not ahuge fab but they were just mindbending.
  4. rumpus

    Life Upstream

    they are the plastic bits at the ends of shoelaces
  5. rumpus

    Life Upstream

    Pantene pro conditioner is almost right - it's actually a 12-sided concept japanese opera based on a german folk tale about the man who invented flagglebinders and also coined the phrase 'nah, I'm full thanks'.
  6. rumpus

    Life Upstream

    discuss away....I value the good and bad stuff anyone has to say. To be honest, the bad stuff is usually more valuable. It is a long haul - we knew that this would bug people.....but in the end just didn't want to shelf songs for ony that reason...ah, well.
  7. rumpus


    pm'd ya bwuddy now arrint yiz all glad I made this a thread of it's own...
  8. rumpus

    Oxo mum in firebomb attack!

    Not even the bisto kids could smell that coming...
  9. rumpus

    mumblin Deaf ro tonite voodoo

    The 'Ro entourage sounded great. Well worth trecking up the liffey. Can't wait for the launch. Now, name suggesttions: Mumblin' Deaf Ro and the 'rage - as in steer ;) Mumblin' Deaf Ro and morning breath Mumblin' Deaf Ro and the greek monkey statuettes Mumblin' Deaf Ro...
  10. rumpus

    THE OFFICIAL Bored in Work 34

    What do you get the lorcanzo who has everything... The gifts you make yourself are always the most special...but what if he already has that..what if I caugh it off him? please advise, yours in relentless itching, Concerned, Dublin.
  11. rumpus

    Black Heart Procession

    didn't go not a big fan twas a really good interview with him last night though, and he playd a couple of real nice songs in the studio. I find them to be what they are - giant sands without the added twist that is mr gelb.
  12. rumpus

    Black Heart Procession

    Calling all cars I'm wondering about the band Black Heart Procession Joey [from Callexico] went on about them last night on the radio. Anyone like'em? Is thier stuff available here?
  13. rumpus

    Ballroom of Romance: Interwebbed

    well done william it's nice and fast too
  14. rumpus

    Deadly First Gig!!

    How civilsed :)
  15. rumpus

    Home and away.

    so soon?! I'm not a damn machine!
  16. rumpus

    Dissed on cluas

    I made that ship out of marla about 20,000 times during my youth.
  17. rumpus

    Home and away.

    snake, I think your thinking of a cerain archaeologist knife we know...
  18. rumpus

    Home and away.

    ooooh yea I say to her 'can I stay in yer caravan park?' she goes all like 'auw yih, mate, jess paht yer baigs dain and oil git ye a nauwce beeya!' then I come shame on me
  19. rumpus

    Home and away.

    I'm kickin it old school here, but I used to fancy pippe (pip ah?) the first pippe....the one with lots of hair man I wanted her
  20. rumpus

    Home and away.

    Alan I see a discrepency in our versions here you wanna take it outside?!