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  • Before: Dec 9, 2005
  • Users: jane
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. jane

    Buzzo! Makeup and Shoe Thread

    Also, anyone tried the new MAC Lipgelee? I tried it once, and I liked it, but I'm still not sure if it's worth buying? Laydeez: describe your ideal pair of shoes. Mine would be just the right height so my trousers didn't drag on the ground, but not so high that I can't walk in them, good...
  2. jane

    Desperately seeking scientist with strong stomach

    Hey science nerds! I'm looking for someone with an interest in the 'hard' sciences for an archaeology project I'm thinking of doing. It's a contemporary archaeological study, which I will explain in detail if you're interested. It may turn out that there is not really room in the research...
  3. jane

    New Prisoner

    I'm not so sure about this.
  4. jane

    Free morning papers: city in a dither or shitty new litter?

    I wish we could just say 'No'. Dear People Who Give Out The Stupid Free Papers, It's not quite 7am. It's pissing rain. I'm wearing shorts, reflectors, a flashing light, and a gore-tex jacket and am running down the fucking road, already somewhat saturated with rain, and giving you a wide...
  5. jane

    Cute Lifestyles

    I think it's time for another cute animal thread. It's been a while. Dear Thumped, I'm a baby sea otter. I live with some of my aunties in a zoo in Monterey. I think yous all go all mean to each other. I want you all to get along. Any time you feel mad or sad, please don't talk about how you...
  6. jane

    Can anyone loan me...

    ...a nametag from a video shop? Or a similar crappy job? Not a record shop, mind, as that would not quite fulfil the goal for which I need it. Preferably with a man's name on it, though I can always stick something over it. It's for a costume. I know there's already a costume thread, but...
  7. jane

    Cheap flights to the US

    Ok, so I'm trying to figure out if it is financially feasible to go to the US this year. It's been two friggin' years, and I still can't afford it, but I'm starting to feel the pain. I still don't know when I can leave for the holidays (which is the only time I can go), and the flights even...
  8. jane

    School of Rock(s)

    Hey Thumpeders, I'm just back, soaking wet and happily exhausted from taking 40 primary school kids on an archaeological project (awesome). The teachers of the two classes are possibly the most enthusiastic, capable and just plain incredible teachers the world could possibly know. The kids are...
  9. jane

    Happy Birthday Photon!

    Happy birthday Photon/Wattser. That subject line was going to be something witty, but then I kind of couldn't think of anything, even something as simple as a play on 'Watts'. Totally lame, me. But, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.
  10. jane

    Food porn thread

    This is your thread for posting food porn. No pictures. You gotta describe it in words. This is my love letter to cheese: Dear Cheese, Since you came into my mouth, I have known no greater pleasure. The stronger your mouldy cologne, the more tantalising you are to me, and nothing --...
  11. jane

    Happy Birthday Dudley!

    30 is fun!
  12. jane

    Happy Birthday Coraline!

    And welcome back to school. Did you know that, according to the Byzantine Empire, it was the day the world was created, in 5509 BC. It is also the anniversary of the German invasion of Poland, but you knew that. And we share our fabulous day with Gloria Estefan, DH Lawrence, Rocky Marciano...
  13. jane

    Vee haff vays of makingk you play.

    Looking for that special gift for the murder-crazed megalomaniac in your life? Regular Barbie not genocidal enough? Having a party for ex-Luftwaffe chaps, and want to give them a stunningly-lifelike tableau to inspire some non-threatening old-people nostalgia? Here's the answer...
  14. jane

    Dublin Taxi Dude Frees Lady From Oppression by Inanimate Force

    Ever been taken prisoner by your own filthy hovel? Like, for serious? I was. I know why the caged bird rings a taxi. It happened. *turns knob on lock* *pulls door* Shit. Oh fuck. *ring ring* "Hello?" "Hi, Jane, it's Dad. Whatchya doing?" "Funny you should ask. I'm stuck...
  15. jane

    Help me choose my clothes?

    Should I get this one? Or perhaps, I dunno, maybe black is more my colour: Or should I do more to help people heal with, say, this special message? This one is just so true: Should I combine my faith with pride in my Christian country...
  16. jane

    Impromptu Thumped Beach Party

    Ok, we're all warm. I'm not complaining about the heat because, for me, this is what summer should be. I love it. But this is no time to be sitting in a boring pub, this is a time to go to the BEACH. And have a dinner picnic and splash in the water. Sandymount isn't the best for it, as the...
  17. jane

    Happy Birthday Roisin!

    Ok, not the best day to have your birthday, but happy birthday anyway, and it shouldn't go unnoticed. I know I'm old and all, so my opinion isn't worth so much, but you're one cool lady. If some 30-year old had said that about me when I was 17, I would probably have made the same face you're...
  18. jane

    A Couch for America

    Hi all, I sent this letter to all of my American friends. Feel free to extend the same invitation to yours. Supreme Court appointments aren't just for Christmas, they're for life. We're going to need all of the couches we can get. Dear America, By now, you will have learned that Supreme Court...
  19. jane

    Sports Injury Doctor

    Hey hey Thumpeders, Now that my boy-genius physio has gone and pissed off to the other side of the world, and I'm realising that my so-called ankle sprain is indeed MUCH WORSE, I'm reduced to a whimpering baby. Does anyone know a sports injury doctor who is REALLY FUCKING GOOD? I don't mean...
  20. jane

    Easy recipes thread.

    Here, can we put up recipes for food that's quick and easy to make? And maybe even healthy? Cucumber and Dill Salad: I made these on Saturday. They were so easy, it was sick. I don't even like cucumbers very much, but this...