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  • Users: jane
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  1. jane

    Pronunciation Pricks

    Right, before you all jump at once, I'm aware that we Yanks say things like Tooos-day and not Chews-day (but WHATEVER, like), I'm talking not about different legitimate pronunciations (which both of those are), or which country's form of English is superior. That's not the issue here. The...
  2. jane

    Blessington Basin

    ...Liddy would know bucketloads), but I would really rather have a local person walk around it and have a chat. Other places I'm looking to do: * Ranelagh Gardens * Iveagh Gardens * The South Wall (I think I can find people to help out with that one, though, since I live near it) But...
  3. jane

    Look, Ma, No Pants!

    Funnily enough, I came across this site just when I was cracking a heelarious joke about doing a pants-check like I was in some kind of group home. Anyway, this is a great idea: Basically, someone gets on a train without any pants. At each stop, a few more...
  4. jane

    aLAF 2008?

    Anyone know if there's gonna be one, and if so, when?
  5. jane

    Let's give some power back to the priests, shall we? Foreigns would have to apply for permission to marry Irish people and vice versa. It's like the fucking work situation -- if you're Irish and you want to marry a foreign, you're...
  6. jane

    Thumped daddies

    Are deadly and adorable. Also: who ever knew there was this much viable seed in all the land? First one to populate a full football side (including two subs) wins a tenner. Really, though, the only thing that approaches the cuteness of a baby is the cuteness of a totally gobsmacked...
  7. jane

    Pubs that do grub and aren't full of knobs

    ...on earth, which involves everyone HAVING to be on time and having a minimum spend, which is lame. It's like they don't realise that big groups *always* spend more, so they have to punish you, rather than realise they're getting good business. Basically, it's people paying for themselves, and...
  8. jane

    "And so I said, and then she said..."

    It feels a bit wrong to post the whole set here, but let's just say I went to get a beehive hairdo today and it was amazing. This really happened. I feel...I feel chosen somehow.
  9. jane

    Do you think you have got some problems?

    You do now. You'll never work again. Framley Examiner updated as recently as last year and I missed out all about it. This is my favourite Museum. I got there and have supernoodes in grapfruit. "A Class Act!"...
  10. jane

    The Go-Gos Appreciation Thread

    I've probably started one of these before, but there's no harm in having more than one, since there is not enough appreciation in the world that would do them justice. Just listening to a collection of live tracks and B-sides and I love them very, very much. Maybe more than ever. Maybe a...
  11. jane

    Cake -- The Greatest Hits

    We're not doing a regular wedding cake, we're just going to get a bunch of delicious cakes from various delicious cakemongers. And a friend of mine is probably going to blow all of those cakes out of the water by making her incredibly ridiculous incredible chocolate cake. I wish I had time to...
  12. jane

    Celebrities are Amazing. I try not to read gawker because it annoys me. But sometimes it is really quite an excellent thing altogether. Any time you think maybe Tom Cruise isn't completely fucking bonkers, maybe I think you...
  13. jane

    Solicitor's Lifestyle

    Michael Lynn has gone on a little holiday to New Jersey, and the cops tie their own hands with fancy ribbons. Which is amazing because when someone has not stoled 80 millions or more of squids, they...
  14. jane

    Problem with doorstep wee wee

    Guyze, I'm glad there're loads of threads about doorstep wee wee, and many would say, "It's about time!" There's a load of wee wee on my doorstep, and I need help figuring out what sort of creature made it and then I can post in the appropriate thread. Great thread, by the way.
  15. jane

    Drummer jokes

    I only know one and it's shit, but this forum could use a bit of padding. How do you know a drummer's at your door? Doesn't know when to come in.
  16. jane

    Serious Questions about My Super Sweet 16

    Are the little brats required by law to screech with a wad of gum practically spilling out onto their expensive dresses? Is that some kind of rich bitch form of being in estrus? Why do the UK ones seem...kinda worse than the American ones? Why can't I stop watching? It hurts me in every way...
  17. jane

    Wedding Thread

    ...6 months in advance or something. WHA? A question I have, though, is about presents for other people. We need to buy for the following people: * Mammies * flower girl and pageboy * Best man and maid of honour * Daddy (just because) * Aunties who have given us loads of money toward the...
  18. jane

    A5 Postcard Printing -- fast!

    We're running WAY behind on probably the only aspect of wedding planning that needs to be done in a timely fashion, and that's getting invitations printed. We have A5 postcard designs, colour on the front and black and white on the back. Two versions: one for the smaller thing, which is service...
  19. jane

    Having no money

    Today I reached a point that really blows. I had to borrow my rent yesterday for the second month in a row, and today I was supposed to do some interviews out in Howth, and I hadn't eaten anything. So I counted my change and I had enough to get the DART out and back, plus about 1.50 to eat...
  20. jane

    The War of the Stupids

    I was looking for stuff and found the Advertising standards authority website, which is my new favourite thing to read. It's like Jordan vs Jodie Marsh except even pettier. The Bagel Factory v The Bagel Bar Who's the fastest-growing Irish bagel chain!? Eh, tough guy? Eh? I am! No, I...