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  • Before: Aug 1, 2007
  • Users: mackle
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  1. mackle

    Auktion Belfast

    Well it was very last minute man so I dont think a lot of people knew about it. Was something special though for us of us who were there. Bet you were glad you travelled that far though :) Glad you didn't hate our band!
  2. mackle

    Auktion Belfast

    They were fuckin brilliant. Go see them seriously. The best hardcore band I think I've ever seen
  3. mackle

    Auktion Belfast

    Yeh and swallows bags of E's.
  4. mackle

    Steve Albini

    At Action Park. First Albini related thing I heard. Songs about Fucking is a close second. Can't wait for the new Shellac album
  5. mackle

    Getting the cold in the spring

    I'd rather be in New York than have the cold in Ireland during the spring
  6. mackle

    Heavy thoughts

    What you do is put a layer on toilet paper down ove the shit in the toilet and then take your shit. Avoids splashback and you can flush them both at once
  7. mackle

    New Bad Brains Song

  8. mackle

    Getting the cold in the spring

    Can fuck right off and die
  9. mackle

    Auktion Belfast

    Sludgy slow doomy stuff. You know my friend with the ginger hair? Its him singing so it'll be a mess!
  10. mackle

    Auktion Belfast

    Nah, Belfast and Galway just. My band Erode You are playing with them in Belfast now. First gig. Come and see us be really nervous and fuck up. :)
  11. mackle

    What gigs are you going to in the next few months?

    Yeh still not sure I can go. Have an exam the next day but its one of those ones I know I'll really regret missing
  12. mackle

    What gigs are you going to in the next few months?

    Auktion- Next Tuesday Melvins- Next month Napalm Death- August Aaron Spectre- Next month Crystal Castles- Next month
  13. mackle

    orange goblin/end of level boss return

    Horrible. Made me wanna crawl into a ball and die when I saw them. Singer is just so embarassing with his macho crap. Listen to the song Worms. The lyrics are so bad
  14. mackle

    orange goblin/end of level boss return

    This should be good. Even for the comedy value of Triggerman alone.
  15. mackle

    playlist time

    Natchmystium- Instant Decay Twilight- s/t Earth- Earth 2 Sunn o)))- Flight of the Behemoth Fuck on the Beach- Power Violence Forever Ed Banger Records- Ed Rec Vol.2
  16. mackle

    baroness sign to relapse

    Good stuff. Glad to see they have an album coming out soon. I kept drunkenly annoying their bass player telling them to hurry up and get an album out. Hope their european tour includes Ireland. My second favourite live band ever!
  17. mackle

    The band you were obsessed about when you were young

    Nirvana Fugazi Melvins
  18. mackle

    missed opportunities to meet your idols

    Talking to Ian MacKaye was fairly uncomfortable. He's so straight to the point no humour kinda. I was interviewing him but in the points in between the interview questions and such it was the most awkward I've ever felt. Best band I ever talked to was Wolf Eyes. Most enthusiastic coolest...
  19. mackle

    missed opportunities to meet your idols

    A few weeks ago when Mastodon played here we were hanging around after the gig for a bit and a few of us went to get chips and two of my mates stuck around. When we come back they had just come out of the backstage area after having been brought to meet all the bands that had played and have a...
  20. mackle

    thumped dead pool

    Thats a lie and you know it baby!