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  • Before: Oct 10, 2006
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    The Deathfuck

    "this was no one night stand" hahahaha brilliant. Scientists Find Fossils in Sexual Union LUCKNOW, India - This was no one-night stand. Scientists in India say they have discovered two fossils fused together in sexual union for 65 million years. The findings were published in the...
  2. La La

    WTO drawing near

    holy shit, i cant believe its next month. im rather excited..... the photographers in work today are being given 'tear gas training' and they're all wondering around with gas masks and helmets on that have been specially ordered from germany. better start preparing myself.......!ninjaaaa
  3. La La

    i am devastated

    when i was younger i was brought to see the Last of the Mohicans on my 11th boifday. and there and then i fell in love with Eric Schweig ahhhh such beauty. and now look, just LOOK at the state of him! i'm so upset, i cant believe he let himself go like that. and he's the same...
  4. La La

    Have Sex, Save The World

    as my friend julien said when he sent me the link: "look at that at home - they are people like us - believing in free sexuality, did home porn and sold it online for the benefits of the equatorial forests!" (yeah, dont look at it in the office, like) but an...
  5. La La

    public beheading

    ugh, i only saw fahrenheit 9/11 for the first time yesterday (while nursing a hangover) however since watching it i've had a sick feeling in my stomach, because in it, there is footage of a public beheading in saudi arabia. i really feel totally grossed out by it; and it reminded me of that...
  6. La La


    hey can one of you dorks fw me last week's and this week's please? i think work email is treating it as spam. the cheek.
  7. La La

    attn: La La

    psst, glen has his own thread.
  8. La La

    The White House is full of nerds ONION!.|..| ONION!.|..| ONION!.|..| (and so on and so forth)
  9. La La

    Rosa Parks RIP

    something as simple as not giving up her seat was a huge deal back then. what a total dude .|..| RIP
  10. La La

    And the best avatar award goes to.....

    Hanley. .|..|
  11. La La

    CSI roolz

    call me a nerd, but i think CSI is the best thing on tv. everything about it; the special forensic effects, all that mad shit they are able to find out from a dorky's brilliant! Las Vegas and Miami are the two best. .|..| i'm going to buy every episode of every series on dvd...
  12. La La

    Poor Heidi

    "Heidi Klum has an ugly baby" "In Touch Weekly has printed photos of Heidi Klum's new baby, and boy if it isn't the ugliest looking baby I've ever seen. Last time I checked, human babies are usually supposed to look like humans, and not weird rodent creatures you might find in the sewer. At...
  13. La La

    Smoking Ban 2007

    so it looks like you folks up north will be stubbing out the fags in April 2007. now you'll get to experience the social phenomenon that is referred to as 'smirting' (smoke/flirting thing). or you could just give up....
  14. La La

    Masks are the new Puffa Jacket and Rucksack

    dont go to chechnya wearing a mask, or you'll be gunned down and halloween just round the corner and all. (bad joke, sorry)
  15. La La

    Burning Man

    any of you ever gone? i went in 2002 and i thought it was .|..|
  16. La La

    The Male Pill

    so fascinating it deserves its own thread. like i said earlier in Vasectomies, i wouldnt trust a guy to take it safely unless it was in form or something. or am i being mean? how would guys feel about saying 'oh shit, i forgot to take my pill today' weird. i cant imagine it. think its good...
  17. La La

    Stoopid Sub Editors

    JOURNALIST GILES COREN recently wrote a book review for the Times of London in which he dismissed a certain work as a literary stunt. Part of his review ran as follows: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Very clever. All 26 letters of the alphabet in a 35-letter sentence. But a...
  18. La La

    i wish this was a joke

    but it's not. that last comment is terrible. all the people on this list made my blood boil when i read their comments; such a discgrace.
  19. La La

    Red Meat

    don't worry; nothing to do with meat. This is definitely my favourite cartoon strip since i saw it for the first time last year. worth going through the old stuff.....i don't know where he gets it from, brilliant though! .|..|
  20. La La

    Status Quo in Sticky Situation Shocker

    ...clean-cut chart-toppers. He recalls, "We'd project pornos onto the side of a white building. And we'd just lie there on the bed, collectively w**king. "It didn't help when you were in your vinegar strokes if someone told you a joke. "But that's part of being mates in a rock band...