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  1. São Paulo Punk

    Qui (featuring David Yow) Sun Nov 18

    Must have been his stage persona so. If that bottle of water that he fucked into the crowd had come anywhere near me I would have fucked it right back at him. although he probably would have gotten a laugh out of that anyway.
  2. São Paulo Punk

    Single Parent Accomodation with UCC

    Yeah, something is seriously up there. I spent almost 3 months looking for a place for me and the little lad. Ended up with a fairly decent sized one bedroom in Rathmines for 1000 a month. That's about as good as it gets in Dublin I'd say. Central heating included in the rent too which is...
  3. São Paulo Punk

    Qui (featuring David Yow) Sun Nov 18

    I put it down to the atrocious weather on the night. Thought Qui were pretty good alright, some rockin riffs. Your man Yow was a bit too much attitude for me at times. Ended up in The Palace until all hours getting drunk. Not the best way to start the week.
  4. São Paulo Punk

    Anyone looking for a gaff?

    Where's he going? -Cue discussion about Arnaud's personal life on a public forum.-
  5. São Paulo Punk

    Owensie in Japanese magazine

    They were actually service-users of a counselling service I helped to set up for the often persecuted but rarely mentioned 'Crapanese': Japanese people who don't look Asian what so ever and get a really hard time from their mates as a result. One of them actually just looks like a dog. It's...
  6. São Paulo Punk

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    But pre-industrial societies had different conceptions of what 'work' meant. i.e. everyone worked the land, man,woman and child, grannies n'all... It was Victorian moralism that shunned women from working, or at least those with enough money who didnt necessarily need to. And in any case, work...
  7. São Paulo Punk

    Only Fumes tonight in the Lower Deck?

    Who's on tonight? Probably Aslan again. Them or Vimanas.
  8. São Paulo Punk

    Only Fumes tonight in the Lower Deck?

    Defo before 12.30
  9. São Paulo Punk

    Only Fumes tonight in the Lower Deck?

    Just saw a bulletin on myspace but didnt see it in the events. Anyone know who else is playing?
  10. São Paulo Punk


    Yeah, c'mon.
  11. São Paulo Punk

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    And whether they're Punk or not.
  12. São Paulo Punk

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    Maybe help to breakdown the illusion in peoples minds that you don't have to be female in order to be a feminist. For one thing, I think that an article on how being a male expressing feminist ideals and coming under a lot of fire for it, from both men and women, either among friends or in the...
  13. São Paulo Punk

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    Ah yeah, I was just saying that the ultimate goal of anarchism is the creation of a more egalitarian society, not a political ghetto. But as I said, it's an ongoing thing, it doesn't have an end. Just for us all to recap, here's how RAG describes itself again.
  14. São Paulo Punk

    Besides St Pauli F fucking C are Punks interested in footy?

    Not mad into watching football. Like the internationals sometimes, like playing it, and find all the hype around it really fascinating, especially with the big clubs with the long histories of supporters going back generations and how deeply influential it is in the way people live their lives...
  15. São Paulo Punk

    SHOCK >> Matt Berry (Mighty Boosh/IT Crowd) 22/11/07

    "Why can't I be more attractive like Dagless?"
  16. São Paulo Punk

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    This problem is inherent in lots of different forms of radical politics. 'Inclusion' is a general goal but always gets snagged by the very marginal nature of the group or organisation. Just like the way Seomra Spraoi is described as an autonomous social centre, the ideal isn't always achieved...
  17. São Paulo Punk

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    Yeah, I've had some seriously painful experiences in this regard. Fucking awful stuff. All the same, the sooner we stop trying to blame one sex or the other; the better. If we accept that it can work both ways then we'll be bringing ourselves that little bit closer to reducing the gender...
  18. São Paulo Punk

    Happy Birthday to nooly on 14th November 2007

  19. São Paulo Punk

    RAG Party this Sat 10th Nov

    Yep, most of this came up in the workshop/talk/informal chat (whatever the fuck you want to call it) about gender and socialisation. The difficulty is that the term 'feminist' automatically generates an impression in a lot of peoples minds that it is something that relates, concerns and...
  20. São Paulo Punk

    easpa measa tour for people who asked for details.

    Nor Crust. Not a dread in sight! Have a good one lads. Great time of year to be getting away from the cold. ROCK!