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  • Before: Aug 23, 2006
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    Benefit gig

    hohohohohohohahahahahahahahahahahhohohohohohahahahahaaaaa aaaaaaah HUH aaaaaah hah
  2. R

    Is there a doctor in the house?

    Thanks Brian Conniffe and Deserted Village- A friend told me that the pills had been loaded with caffeine and very little mdma. I never have caffeine so you can imagine how nasty that was. I felt anxiety ("what class am i in???" "where do i go??" "what if my heart stops??") and paranoia ("did...
  3. R

    Anyone ever called the cops and had them show up?

    Loads of people in my class want to join the force. do gardai have to do a yearly physical? i notice that most cops are deadly unfit...
  4. R

    natural family planning

    do you need a prescription before getting it in the chemist?
  5. R

    natural family planning

    don't worry it's none of the above. I'm the one who doesn't like condoms. I generally wouldn't put anything in the gee I wouldn't put in my mouth. I am very sex/STD responsible regardless of what this thread makes you assume. I'm also curious about natural methods and healing when it comes to...
  6. R

    natural family planning

    well I enquired about the pill at the health centre and it cost 45 euro for a consultation and a tenner a month after that. I don't have a medical card and i hardly see my parents chipping in... Also it was here on thumped that i read about people complaining about the pill and all the side...
  7. R

    natural family planning

    I find that very presumptous. You do not know me and you do not know him. Isn't generalising a lovely hobby? I am. Pete, I don't think there should be an age of consent. There certainly wouldn't need to be one if there was proper sex ed given in schools rather than nasty ACCORD or any other...
  8. R

    natural family planning

    Pete did you also happen to read: Age of consent is a load of bollox. Did you drink before you were 18, pete? I was simply curious, I didn't expect to get the head ripped off me. I know people in their twenties who have being using "natural" methods since they were my age. The way some people...
  9. R

    natural family planning

    it's sex without artificial contraceptive like condoms, pill, diaphragm, etc etc. Using things like "pull out method" and knowing your cycle and other rad things.
  10. R

    natural family planning

    does anyone use this? how effective is it? what methods do you use? would you recommend it to me?
  11. R

    Is there a doctor in the house?

    yes. but also major pills come down. has anyone got any advice on how to calm down?
  12. R

    Is there a doctor in the house?

    Speaking of anxiety I had a big fuck off panic attack at school today. Oh my god, aside from being confused and scared I had a fucking myriad of idiot teachers who wouldn't let me escape without going through proper procedures. I sat outside the vice principals office crying while he fumbled...
  13. R

    best classroom heckle

    please enlighten me. I've recently discovered I like giving back cheek and bringing down our lords name in mercy. I've also started idolizing the female version of Bender from breakfast club in my class.
  14. R

    I do love Ulster!

    a piss take ... surely?
  15. R

    THE I.C.A

    irish countrywomen association or something
  16. R

    I do love Ulster!

    you can see the rest of my pics here the indymedia article is really good. It changed my perspective.
  17. R

    Riot in O'Connell st.

    Re: SCUM I was there, my pictures can be found at (naturally some faces have been smudged out)
  18. R

    THE I.C.A

    my mother used to be in the ICA. she went off to that irish stitching camp for a few days and came back with useless cut and paste framed art. without her my dad gave us tinned peas everyday. it was HORRIBLE. I missed her so much! my how things have changed, i dream for the days there was a free...
  19. R

    spamcake bluesday

    my mamma makes vegan batter for the whole family. She uses egg replacer and white wave soya milk. ROCK! They're deadly, (haven't had any yet due to urrrghhh stomach pains) they taste much the same as ordinary ones except they're a bit lighter on the stomach and won't give you a heart attack...
  20. R

    Sexual harrasment or not?

    In my brothers old school, de la salle in wicklow, people were constantly sexually harassing the religon teacher. They were taunting, miming riding her when they thought she wasn't looking and other shit. It really undermines a person so much... she sued the school for 70,000 and got it. It's...