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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    pitfalls of getting a manager..

    What? Did I say something wrong?
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    pitfalls of getting a manager..

    Re: Re: You fucking twat You foulmouthed little tic. You bloated retching flatworm. You vapid fistful of your own shit ripped from your pulsating hole and stuffed down your own throat while you wipe the tears from your eyes because you love it so much and why won't anyone understand? Is...
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    pitfalls of getting a manager..

    You fucking twat Go one then, just the one.
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    pitfalls of getting a manager..

    Nice one. :D
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    Does Barry exist?

    Re: Bazza Whoa there, careful now. I would imagine this is how Garry Glitter got arrested!
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    pitfalls of getting a manager..

    This is him. No-one is allowed to see the do. Or he starts wailing, ruining rehearsals and gigs.
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Geography For The Leaving

    Speed is of the essence around here GodDAMNit. ;)
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Geography For The Leaving

    ......An all too common complaint among musicians and squaddies who have been away from home for too long.
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    Geography For The Leaving

    Isle of Yoomadleigh yes. YES. I'm STILL listening to it. It won't stop. There's the whole Lazybird thing to get through yet, and it's already 11. :D
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    Geography For The Leaving

    :D I am listening to it's seriously brilliant. Last night I didn't want Stick Shift to end, and it's even better on cd....I was actually a bit pist off it was so short. DEADLY. DEADLY. Hits all the right buttons. :D
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Bored in Work 23

    Short but cool This should be playing at the top corner of everyones pc, all day. Makes me feel better, anyway.
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    FRONT END SYNTHETICS launch party and competition

    So. Z everyone going to this or what? The new album and the new ep are both brilliant ....:cool: What will there be in the way of visuals? Apart, obviously from watching the bands. Jayses. Are Del 9 doing stuff again?
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    howler monkey family

    So is there any chance Steve Stapleton would perform live? Is there any of this stuff I can check out in advance like? Goppa? Is somebody a mathematician in the MacDiarmada household? Mad buzz. :cool:
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Bored in Work (catch) 22

    Don't know why, really.... Nothing to do with anything, just made me laugh.
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    mr dinosaur jr. gig?

    are omelette the new gtj? Government turkey judges? Gravel throated joggers? Gay turnip jockeys?
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    mr dinosaur jr. gig?

    Bubblin Ducking Fuss Ian? Story? I take it you got no news. Dammit. Does Shields have new stuff out? I have the Lotus Crown album, and while it's not that bad, it's a BIG disappointment compared to the first Rollerskate Skinny album. One amazing song though. And what about Kid Silver...
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Dublin Fucking Bus!

    Seriously. THAT is one of the most gut-wrenching stories I have ever heard. My 40 minutes last night waiting in drizzle for an hour long journey pales into insignificance. WOW. Beckett, Kafka rolled into one horrible evening, lightened up with some frustration humour. WOW. I laughed, but I...
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Dublin Fucking Bus!

    That looks like great fun. Bullheaded pig ignorance. Deadly. Gotta try it someday.
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Bored in Work (key of the door) 21

    Very Useful Site When you zoom in close, it turns into PHOTOOGRAPHS! Unless you're outside Dublin. But it's what you need P.