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  1. xConorx

    What's "wrong" with this video....

    yeah it's cool, the list of vogelisms is pretty funny.
  2. xConorx

    What's "wrong" with this video....

    aye cos scott vogel's well known fer bein down with christians.... oh wait... James IsMean on the other hand:)
  3. xConorx

    The greatest Myspace Profile ever.

    i assume by "idiot" you mean "complete fuckin legend"
  4. xConorx

    Rollins on Tuesday

    saw him on Friday in London. was pretty good, nearly fell asleep toward the end cos I was fuckin shattered though...
  5. xConorx

    Do or Die video

    yeah integrity were so cool they had chubby fresh ex one life crew in them!:rolleyes:
  6. xConorx

    Do or Die video

    yes it does look misleading that pic the blood probably comes from beating up nazis though haha
  7. xConorx

    Do or Die video

    wrong:) This video is amazing because: 1 - jamesismean beat up 10 nazi skinheads in PA with a skateboard by himself 2 - he beat up the whole of integrity on their bus, by himself 3 - fury of v take angel dust, put in gumshields and then into the pit and beat the crap out of each other 4 -...
  8. xConorx

    Gigs in March.

    Despite being hilarious Skarhead had some great songs! "It's all about the drugs and the money. Drugs Money and Sex!" Crown of Thornz were even better though!
  9. xConorx

    Path of Resistance tour

    I stand corrected From what I heard of the Geeks years ago off the Commitment Recs boxset they were pretty crappy ;)
  10. xConorx

    Path of Resistance tour

    the bit where he says some stuff in japanese and then shouts "hardcore!" is pretty good they're no madball
  11. xConorx

    Path of Resistance tour

    Aye there's still a few boxes of stuff in India Street but cos I'm in London I don't bother with it. If there's anything yer after I can probably get Phil to sort you out and he can give ye his distro liost while he's at it.
  12. xConorx

    Path of Resistance tour

    those were the days!
  13. xConorx

    Gigs in March.

    Fury of Five Skarhead Son of Skam Vegan Reich The Venue, Belfast, 22nd March, free with flyer
  14. xConorx

    Path of Resistance tour

  15. xConorx

    Path of Resistance tour

    be even funnier to be up front in a ski-mask screaming "die motherfucker! We never want you back. you're unworthy of the honour that the title straightedge holds!"
  16. xConorx

    Path of Resistance tour

    aye I reckon it'll be sweet. Knuckledust and Break It Up are playing. May 1, Camden Underworld. 10 squid. I'd offer ye a place to stay but Angela's over for Mayday weekend so fraid not, sorry! But if ye fancy it you should, probably be fun. It is london though...
  17. xConorx

    Path of Resistance tour

    Got my ticket for London. It'll be like the mid 90s never ended. I'll be in my element :) Fuck the haters, I'll be having a laugh!
  18. xConorx

    St pauli in fa cup semi final - mad

    aye and now bolton have bate them, out ot 2 cups in one week, well done the gunners!
  19. xConorx

    Old youth crew has someold flyers pages, some youth crew era, others mid 90s, hasn't been updated in donkeys but worth a look.
  20. xConorx

    Old youth crew

    you could get the recent reprint of the schism zine off Bridge 9 recs. Repress of Project X 7" too:) Porcell's site had shitloads of old flyers and what not on it but seems to be a dead site now which is shite. has an archive of old...