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  1. xConorx

    Shipwreck/Blacklisted/Soul Control Jan 23

    Phil Revenge Therapy is doin it Lavery's Bunker 24th jan. Support TBC
  2. xConorx

    Vinnie Stigma is a Legend

    Fuckin hell that looks amazing. It'll be as good/bad as Edge of Quarrel
  3. xConorx

    Black Friday 29

    Aye I'm helping Phil out with the Belfast date, should be good.
  4. xConorx

    Black Friday 29

    first heard em in 2002 so they've been kicking about at least 5yrs, decent enough.
  5. xConorx

    Black Friday 29

    cheers, will probably head down.
  6. xConorx

    Black Friday 29

    says here That they're playing Dublin late December - anyone know who else is playing? Can't find any info, might head down for it. Cheers
  7. xConorx

    TO KILL(italy) Mini Irish Tour

    oh the vegan straightedge band? these guys are pretty good I'd check em out you could try Phil in Belfast
  8. xConorx

    punk/ska night for JustBooks, Sat 29 Sept Kelly's Cellars Belfast

    Just Books presents a punk/ska night 29th September Kelly Cellars Bar in Belfast city centre from 9pm till late.
  9. xConorx

    learn me about xHCx/youth crew/muscles

    Fuck, that Rob R Rock song is some of the worst shit ever. I like plenty of hiphop - but that's neither here nor there - Rob R Rock's song is just shit, shit shit shit shit.
  10. xConorx

    learn me about xHCx/youth crew/muscles

    where? Salt Lake City?!
  11. xConorx

    learn me about xHCx/youth crew/muscles

    I've never heard of these earth crisis clones attacking people for not conforming to their no drink policy. Where did this happen? On the internet? Oh right.
  12. xConorx

    learn me about xHCx/youth crew/muscles

    Boooooorrrriiiinnnngggg Yeah cos you were about "back in the day" I love people making out like toughguy gigs or straightedge gigs were like sooooo regimented but other hardcore or punk isn't! Check out 150 crust kids with identical patches and shit-smelling feet ;)
  13. xConorx

    learn me about xHCx/youth crew/muscles

    Actually this is pretty spot-on Corm. I'd add a few of my own in there. i kinda came in during the 90s as a wee metaller so I liked the tougher or a bit metally stuff like Earth Crisis, Snapcase, Strife, Downset etc Stuff like Integrity kinda passed me by but i dig them now From there I was...
  14. xConorx

    learn me about xHCx/youth crew/muscles

    Victory defo didn't put it out, maybe Rev did, not sure. not a bad read though.
  15. xConorx

    Singer wanted for Galway hc/punk band

    fair enough, just thought it was a bit odd, ye know like positive discrimination or affirmative action ;)
  16. xConorx


    I thought this thread might be about the pro-war xTyrantx!
  17. xConorx

    Singer wanted for Galway hc/punk band

    why specifically female?
  18. xConorx

    Belfast Anarchist Bookfair 31 August/1 Sept

    Cheers to anyone who came to the bookfair or the gig, was a really good weekend. Especially cheers to Jonnie for doing the benefit gig! :)
  19. xConorx

    Belfast Punk gig Saturday - Just Books benefit

    JUST BOOKS BENEFIT GIG!! SATURDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER Runnin Riot 1000 Drunken Nights The Lobotomies Stillbirth Laverys Pool Room (Top Floor) Doors: 8.30pm Admisson £5
  20. xConorx

    Belfast Anarchist Bookfair 31 August/1 Sept

    Friday night - film will be Libertarias From Wiki - "Libertarias is a Spanish historical drama, made in 1996, and released internationally in 2004. It was written and directed by Vicente Aranda. In 1936, Maria, a young nun is recruited by Pilar a militant feminist, into an anarchist militia...