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  • Before: Feb 25, 2012
  • Users: Anthem
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  1. Anthem

    annoying flatmates

    Cormo you beat me to it - yeah def. some repressed homosexuality going on there.
  2. Anthem


  3. Anthem

    I have the horn for...

    Grainne Seoige.
  4. Anthem


    Writing songs is not easy, ask John Waters :p.
  5. Anthem


    Writing songs is not easy, ask John Waters.
  6. Anthem

    I is John / Ann Post

    I hope their is no glasses and peanuts handy
  7. Anthem

    I is John / Ann Post

    Hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah!! LMAO!! that is fucking hilarious!!!!
  8. Anthem

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I enjoyed Down and Out in Paris. I thought the part where he befriended the Irish destitute was great reading and his description of working in the catering industry hasn't changed abit even after all these yrs!. Anyway 1984 - one of my all time favorites. Scarily prescient IMO.
  9. Anthem

    I is John / Ann Post

    I love Ann Post even though he called me Jim Corr.
  10. Anthem

    I is John / Ann Post

    Hannji Potions? as a hybrid anagram perhaps? gives an almost mystical guru feel don't you think :p
  11. Anthem

    Srpski Film(A Serbian Film) - Looks massively fucked up

    Avoid at all costs. The sickest goriest shit and it's all real.
  12. Anthem

    I is John / Ann Post

    Serious or is this a joke? If this is true man... I feel so hoodwinked lol!
  13. Anthem

    what did you dream of last night or recently

    Whatever about dreaming I have always wanted to have a lucid dream. When you ave one of these you are actually aware that you are dreaming and can thus manipulate and control the dream in any direction you wish. Sounds deadly!
  14. Anthem

    I is John / Ann Post

    What the hell is going on here? can someone please explain!
  15. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    4 months. 3 weeks and 2 days. Amazing performances ,great script. Romanian film. Well worth a look.
  16. Anthem

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Just finishedf Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre. Funny, sad, dark and very entertaining. Looking forward to finally getting around to A Confederacy Of Dunces.
  17. Anthem

    Rock Docs - The Ramones End of A Century.

    I remeber reading great reviews of this one - sounds great. Will check this one out.
  18. Anthem

    Cute Lifestyles

    Doggystyle cute.
  19. Anthem

    Rock Docs - The Ramones End of A Century.

    Thanks das that I is John can be a mean dudu when he wants to be.
  20. Anthem

    Cute Lifestyles

    Brilliant! hahahahhahahahah!!