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  1. pete


    idiot Wordle 1,123 5/6* 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟨⬜🟨 🟨🟨⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  2. MacDara


    Wordle 1,122 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 🟩⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩⬛🟩🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  3. N

    Unpopular Opinions

    Dane Cecilie Uttrup-Ludwig is the anti Cipollini. She is pro cycling's best interviewee. A few lads are leaning in this direction but she is the best. The first one is after winning a 2022 Tour de France stage. The second one was after a breakthrough 3rd place in the 2018 Tour of Flanders...
  4. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Yep. Dunno how he thinks businesses work, that maybe we’re all Pricks to each other? I like most people I work with but more importantly there’s mutual respect across the board between everyone and this jumped up little geebag thinks he can come swanning in and start mouthing off about people...
  5. egg_

    Minor Pleasures

    It's astounding to me when people are pricks and they're only just after starting. What's your strategy here bud? Become successful by making everyone hate you?
  6. N

    Unpopular Opinions

    I saw an Italian TV show which looked a day time thing. There was a recorded interview with Sabrina and a discussion about it. Hopefully this was a landmark moment - Cipollini was very famous in Italy and cycling. Sabrina's mother said Mario's parents kicked him out before he even turned pro and...
  7. nooleen


    This also ruins most/all black male comedians for me. Wow you're so righteous, oh wait no you're just another cunt. Railing against racism and revelling in sexism with zero self awareness.
  8. Cormcolash

    Space is the Place

    Up the Ira
  9. nooleen

    Unpopular Opinions

    Sounds like a real piece of shit. I can't imagine going up against the likes of him in the Italian context, fair play to the women
  10. N


    100% that is my impression of Cornel aka IT. Probably didn't notice that as much 15 years ago.
  11. nooleen


    I like immortal technique but as with a lot of hip hop the message is seriously undermined by his cuntish attitude to gays/women. It's hard to believe someone is righteous when they're enthusiastically shitting on the people it's safe for them to hate.
  12. N

    Unpopular Opinions

    Cyclist Mario Cipollini (b. 1967) was the worst for this shit. He was an extrovert, alpha male bully, sexist but as successful showman cycling fans, including me, let him away with it. Cipollini did some awful stuff - punching another cyclist in the face before a race, spraying champagne on...
  13. rettucs


    I think you have this on its head. Its not about what you know, its about what you can make people think you know. the world is full of dopes. Don't be giving them more credit than they deserve. You're probably worth 10 of most pricks out there.
  14. S

    Minor Pleasures

    It's always good to not be the first one to complain. For survival reasons. Also good to talk to the boss first. It's a management issue, and this (apparent) prick doesn't deserve your common sense.
  15. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    This new guy in work has been snippy enough times now to me now that I've had to mention it to my immediate boss and lo and behold I'm not the first person that has mentioned it. He'd only had a phone call this morning about the same dude and a few Comments against him last week from various...
  16. N


    Mostly punk, HC, grindcore etc. A small bit of hip hop. Grindcore is weird in that racism is very rare due to international nature of the scene. BUT... Sexism, homophobia, porn (and of course gore) are bullets you have to dodge - and I have tolerated at times. Not much of a problem avoiding this...
  17. egg_


    I don't really agree. We really do think of one another as "smart" or "dense", or somewhere in between, and it's distinct from having specific skills. Being smart doesn't make you a better person, it just makes you potentially useful for certain things
  18. Kermit McDermott

    US politics

    Other than almost getting his head blown off the other day....Its all lining up nicely for Donny.
  19. pete

    Space is the Place
  20. S

    Unpopular Opinions

    Shur who'd be having time for rice anyway.