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  • Before: Dec 29, 2011
  • Users: Ferox13
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  1. Ferox13

    Cheap office / office share / maildrop options?

    Were the digital Hub doing these at one point?
  2. Ferox13

    Black Dynamite cartoon

    That was pretty good.
  3. Ferox13

    Any men into camping?

    *Pitches Tent*
  4. Ferox13

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I'm actually rewatching Season 3 of the same - firt time around I didn't realise that McNulty and Stringer Bell were both played by English actors.
  5. Ferox13


    Its a good film - I don't think i was in the mood for it though. Though it would be more a comedy. Acting is excellent.
  6. Ferox13

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I'm liking so far - I'm a big Dominic West fan, funny to see him with a posh Brit accent.
  7. Ferox13


    I was going to watch it today with Blitz but I got too drunk and just watched the later and lotsd of The Wire..
  8. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    They almost turned it into Saw.
  9. Ferox13

    Drivers Ed. - Handbrake on hill-start at junction?

    LOL - what colour car you drive? *stays in gear at red lights*
  10. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Ok-ish Gothic Spanish Horror. Paul Naschy had a small part and it had Aleister Crowley, Lizzie Borden and Bram Stoker in it too. IMDB said Lovecraft should have made an appearance but he didn't. I'll watch PArt 2 over the next day or2 (that has Howard Philips for sure as well as a cool looking...
  11. Ferox13

    Call Centre Hell

    LOL - thats pretty funny..
  12. Ferox13

    Drivers Ed. - Handbrake on hill-start at junction?

    This is very true (for me anyways).. Messed up a hill start yesterday - thats what I get for boasting about my Hill start expertise.
  13. Ferox13

    forthcoming film trailers

    I didn't realise Gina Carano had the main role in Haywire..Weird.
  14. Ferox13

    Drivers Ed. - Handbrake on hill-start at junction?

    I'm only learning to drive now too and I have to get into the habit of using the handbreak everytime I stop. I think I'll pay for a lesson soon just to see what bad habits I've picked up. I've been really proud of my hill starts til a few weeks ago I cut out on a 45 degree angle hill. It was...
  15. Ferox13

    forthcoming film trailers

    That might be interesting - I've liked 5 or 6 films of his I've seen - this looks a lot different (but than again Bronson was a bit of a departure too). Christina Hendricks looks a lot younger without the office gear and chest scaffolding. However I do prefare my Drivers to 'Drive Angry' and to...
  16. Ferox13

    Just got an Android phone..Recommended apps for it.

    Has anyone 'rooted' their andrioid here? Does it void warranty?
  17. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I'm glad I wasn't the only on..
  18. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I don't remember any severe blows to to head or any other recent brain trauma - so i can't understand how I really enjoyed this 95mins of Paddywackery. Sure some of the jokes fall a bit flat but the ones that worked cracked me up. Some great supporting actors too especially Mark Strong who is...
  19. Ferox13

    Streaming music from your PC to an android phone?

    Basically, I have a shared drive on my network with all my music on it. I'd like to be able to stream the music over Wi-Fi to my Samsung Galaxy s (which I have an X-Mini speaker for) so i can listen to music while I'm cooking or in the bed room etc. I was using the Gmote App for it up til...
  20. Ferox13

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    John Thaw and Alkie-Hol..excellent.. Going to watch the Wire again nest..The GF hasn't seen it.