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  • Before: Jun 14, 2017
  • Users: Diddles
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  1. Diddles

    The minor worries thread

    We get eggs delivered every week, and we always have too many because we are out most Saturday mornings and forget to leave a note out to tell the egg people not to leave any more for the time being. I don't know how comfortable I'd feel asking a strange man "would you like some eggs". He'd...
  2. Diddles

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Not as good as the first one and I'd no blanket to throw over the child for the inevitable strip club scene so just had to shield his eyes with my outstretched arm.
  3. Diddles

    The minor worries thread

    Fretting about my first AirBnB guest. Is he happy, does he like the gaff, will he find the light switches, will disabling his wireless adapter and reenabling it fix his Wifi issues, should I offer him some eggs because we have loads of them?
  4. Diddles

    Minor complaints thread

    The child is gone away for the weekend but neither myself or HMD can go out due to recent cosmetic surgeries.
  5. Diddles

    What to bring kids to see at Body and Soul?

    Body and Soul is no place for kids. Or adults.
  6. Diddles

    Its world .................. day

    It's world Gin day tomorrow or so all the alcos on Facebook are telling everyone.
  7. Diddles

    Major Complaints Thread

    Someone referenced me in an email years ago (I posted about it on here at the time) calling me Tank Girl and actually wrote in brackets after it "as in size of, not cute comic book character". I hope he's dead now.
  8. Diddles

    Minor Pleasures

    Found a new compartment in my car today, with a medical kit in it. Never knew it was there and I've had it over 18 months. It has a cool scissors in it and all the dressings are German. BMWs fucking rock.
  9. Diddles

    Minor complaints thread

    Lost my keys in the park this morning, after much searching thankfully some aulfella found them. About an hour later I lost them again on the way to the charity shop. After much checking in shops and the garage I re-visited the charity shop for the third time and had one final root through the...
  10. Diddles

    Major Complaints Thread

  11. Diddles


    Amen't able.
  12. Diddles

    RIP Jim Daniels

    Awfully sad. I never met him in person but I'd got in touch with him recently when I read his posts about being ill and he took the time to write a lovely reply. Poor Jim, condolences to his family.
  13. Diddles

    People Who Died

    You even had a poll about it: Soundgarden in The O2 2013
  14. Diddles

    It's the Enda Kenny

    Does anyone else replace the word "Hallelujah" with "Michael Noonan" in that Leonard Cohen song?
  15. Diddles

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I'll check if the child can watch it - he loved Rush Hour 1 and 2 and I made an executive decision yesterday to let him watch Beverly Hills Cop - I just put a blanket over his head for the strip club scene.
  16. Diddles

    What movie did you watch last night?

  17. Diddles

    It's the Enda Kenny

    I liked him. There, I said it.
  18. Diddles

    What movie did you watch last night?

  19. Diddles

    I have the horn for...

  20. Diddles


    First potential customer on Airbnb already wrecking my bin with their endless questions. Just book the fucking thing, you'll have a great time!