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  1. Diddles

    Your work situation

    Just did a new portfolio site and updated me linkedin profile, I hope no one contacts me.
  2. Diddles

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Burn Hollywood burn! We won't be able to watch anything soon, every movie will have some creepy stomach turning fuck in it.
  3. Diddles

    The WTF Thread

    Man mistakes large aubergine for World War II bomb -
  4. Diddles

    The WTF Thread

    Farmers urged to bury their underpants to improve quality of their beef -
  5. Diddles

    Photos of your Pets

    That was ten years ago, this is Halo now: And the other thing:
  6. Diddles

    The Phoenix Park is not the largest urban park in Europe after all

    Always thought it was the largest walled park.
  7. Diddles

    Clothes and haircuts

    I'd say they'll still charge you
  8. Diddles

    Clothes and haircuts

    I was going to the barbers up the road for a few months and he was charging me 18 euro for a cut and I was bleaching it myself for a tenner, I was charged 80 in Peter Marks, 125 in Babushka and 105 in Aristokats and the last place made an absolute balls of dying my hair so I just went back to...
  9. Diddles

    Clothes and haircuts

    HMD has a fierce Nazi haircut these days, not very HM at all.
  10. Diddles


    An Airbnb guest from Florida sent me a message that he was praying for my family to survive, it was embarrassing, they have actual hurricanes over there.
  11. Diddles

    The WTF Thread

    I was going to post that
  12. Diddles

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm in bits as well! Really sick with sinus whathaveyou for a couple of weeks, only just started feeling better on Saturday and now have some kind of flu thing.
  13. Diddles

    Minor complaints thread

    Just finished work for the evening.
  14. Diddles

    Major Complaints Thread

    Wasting my valuable time trying to compose a polite 'fuck off' text when I really just want to type 'fuck off' and have done with it.
  15. Diddles

    Happy Birthday to Squiggle.

    Happy birthday!
  16. Diddles

    Happy Birthday to HMD.

    Yis can buy him a present next year.
  17. Diddles

    I have the horn for...

  18. Diddles

    Medical expenses-claiming tax back

    I earn fuck all but I just pay an accountant to fill in my tax return because it's all so confusing.
  19. Diddles

    Your work situation

    Many years ago, a lad from college was starting in a place I was already working in and he rang me to ask what he should wear to work, bless him. While I was talking to him , the fella at the desk next to me was sitting in his jocks while his clothes were drying on the radiator.