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  1. Diddles

    Major Complaints Thread

    Split my head open earlier, was bending down cleaning my campervan and straightened up into the metal frame of the half door. There was blood everywhere, it's still kind of bleeding but my doctor friend is going to stick some glue on it or something in the morning. FML.
  2. Diddles

    Minor complaints thread

    Fucking hell man.
  3. Diddles

    I saw a thing in the garden

    I would never put down poison, or even try and kill it. If the dogs get it that's just nature an' all. The cat left in June, I think he'd had enough of the giant puppy that was chasing him and standing on him all the time. I miss him terribly, hope he's ok somewhere.
  4. Diddles

    I saw a thing in the garden

    This fucking rat is still hanging around, the tenant is on a crusade to catch it and is constantly texting me about its movements and generally doing my head in. He has a dog too so there's three dogs out the back doing SFA and this yoke is still sauntering around. I cut loads of branches...
  5. Diddles

    Major Pleasures

    I have to go on about my vision again. Walking around with double vision has been a fucking nightmare. I was blind in one eye for a time a couple of years ago and that was nowhere near as bad as this has been. it's been very debilitating and has had a big effect on my mental wellbeing although...
  6. Diddles

    Your work situation

    I painted the sitting room yesterday and spent AGES trapping spiders in a lunch box and releasing them outside, I could only catch one at a time for fear they'd overwhelm me. I had to get on with the work so ended up just scooping them onto the floor to take their chances. I tried!
  7. Diddles

    People Who Died

    Just heard today, I hadn't seen her for a few years but we went back a long, long way! Had some very fun times together back in the day. Very sad, thinking of her and her family, rest in peace.
  8. Diddles

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Project Power on Netlix. Verdy gud I thought, my boy would like it too I reckon. Hate Jamie Fox though, am in love with Joseph Gordon Levitt.
  9. Diddles

    Your work situation

    The dog I'm minding has a huge crate which I've just dismantled as it's taking up half the kitchen. His real home is huge so they probably don't even notice it. He hasn't used it at all as he's sleeping in the bed with me and the other dogs, his owner told me he can't negotiate stairs, well he...
  10. Diddles

    Your work situation

    The new dog hasn't experienced fireworks yet, he better not be all mental! Although e's mental about pretty much everything so I don't hold out much hope.
  11. Diddles

    Your work situation

    I am minding a dog for money because I am that broke and can't work at a real job. The dog I'm minding is fine but my own dog has been a nightmare all day. It's just not worth doing it again, I cannae cope.
  12. Diddles

    Funny towns

    I had a b&b enquiry recently from someone called Pooi Gee. I was tempted to tell them to change both their first name and surname before visiting this country
  13. Diddles

    I saw a thing in the garden

    Swam with a dolphin in Egypt and it was awesome but kind of scary, it brushed off my chest and I could feel the strength of it. I was in Wicklow swimming a couple of years ago, there were people shouting at me from the shore and I turned around and there was a HUGE seal behind me giving me...
  14. Diddles

    I saw a thing in the garden

    Airbnb guest saw a rat in the garden this morning. I usually don't mind them, they have a couple of tunnels up from the drain. So I had to fill them in with rocks and soil but now this one is trapped above ground and keeps appearing every now and again. FFS like.
  15. Diddles

    Racism in Ireland

    I witnessed an incident recently on Jervis street where some old crazy Jakey racially abused this teenager as he was walking past and the kid swung around on his heel and punched the man in the head and he just fell straight backwards and whacked his head off the pavement. I ran over and was...
  16. Diddles

    Racism in Ireland

    That guy comes across as someone who's not well and just shouts at people, had a guy recently roaring at me for no reason while standing at a bus stop and that video comes across very much the same. The video I saw earlier on Twitter however, of a woman being pushed into a river by some little...
  17. Diddles

    Minor complaints thread

    It's ok , I have it now- minor pleasure!
  18. Diddles

    Minor complaints thread

    Dear dole office, where is my fucking dole money? Like ye are only giving it to me every fucking fortnight now so the least you could do is fucking well prepare yourselves to do a bit of fucking work for five minutes every second Tuesday and transfer it to me on the fucking day I'm supposed to...
  19. Diddles

    Dating Apps OR Just signed up for Bumble. And Hinge.

    On a side note while I'm contemplating ringing the cops about a possible 6 month hostage situation , I am always available to go out for dinner with anyone.
  20. Diddles

    Dating Apps OR Just signed up for Bumble. And Hinge.

    Does she have her hands tied behind her? Edit: Is that why she's still there????? Double edit: Awww man I'm not going to bed until you answer me