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  1. Diddles

    Minor complaints thread

    The dog won't calm down this evening. Probably because he ate a plastic bag yesterday and an ink cartridge today.
  2. Diddles

    Santa question

    I always downplayed the santy thing, I just don't like telling lies! Always said we paid for everything and santy was pretty much a delivery driver, it always made it easier to explain why some kids got loads and others got less. Re the original post, I'd just tell your kid that the other...
  3. Diddles

    Minor Pleasures

    Lads am crocheting and watching Bachelor's Walk and I didn't even like it the first time. FML.
  4. Diddles

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    I'm doing a sneak off to the sea once a week for a swim. I get peripheral nerve damage from the meds I'm on and rightly or wrongly I believe it does my nerve endings good being in the cold water. It's great psychologically as well. I have many really outlandish excuses to tell the gards if I...
  5. Diddles

    Minor Pleasures

    Yup Yup! And I hope everyone is taking note that this is in MINOR pleasures and not major pleasures as I can't even post stuff from my life in there because it's usually filthy and ye'd be mad jealous.
  6. Diddles

    Tom Tom Club

    My niece was talking about Tina Weymouth the other day and we've just been playing loads of Tom Tom Club today, damn they are so good. Tom Tom Club and Close to the Bone were two of the thirty odd albums in my brother's record collection and I played them to death. It's a long while since I...
  7. Diddles

    Minor Pleasures

    Lost a bag of yokes at Seapoint last week. Was back there today, half hoping they might be around the bathing area but there was no sign. Walking back to the car later my friend spotted a gang of sexy young lads partying in their garden and they had my yokes! After a whole week, and they hadn’t...
  8. Diddles

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    This lockdown is so much easier than the last one, having schools open has made a huge difference. I am not worrying about the child's mental health or education and not having other people's kids and their angry dads in the parks morning noon and night is great, huge amount of stress gone for...
  9. Diddles

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    Well yis can go back to work and give me my park back
  10. Diddles

    Minor Pleasures

    Keep thinking about this post and how boring I've become. Socks FFS!
  11. Diddles

    The Mandalorian Season 2

  12. Diddles

    Minor Pleasures

    Lost my brand new scuba sock at Seapoint last week. Was back there today, half hoping it might be around the bathing area but there was no sign of it. Walking back to the car later my friend spotted something on a railings of a house and it was my sock! After a whole week! Fair play to...
  13. Diddles

    The Mandalorian Season 2

    Verdy Gud
  14. Diddles

    Major Pleasures

    Well thanks be to Jaysus I got a decent human being of a plumber around yesterday and it turns out the pump was stuck, fixing it involved hitting it with a hammer or something and it only cost fifty quid and not the million euro I'd envisaged.
  15. Diddles

    Major Pleasures

    Still no central heating but I bought fuel for the fire and a rug in Des Kelly's so am very happy out as long as I don't leave this room. Just need to put a jacks in the corner.
  16. Diddles

    Major Complaints Thread

    Heating is gone and I'd just a shit day in hospital and fuck lockdown
  17. Diddles

    Minor complaints thread

    I got microblading (semi-permanent tattoo what-have-you) done to my eyebrows yesterday and now I look like I drew them on with a big marker. It will fade in a few days but it's tough going round in the meantime, everyone is fucking staring at me.
  18. Diddles

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    Fuck Nphet, I'm just going with what my heart tells me.
  19. Diddles

    Major Complaints Thread

    Thankfully it stopped bleeding and I didn't need to get the glue done. It's still a bit tender though.
  20. Diddles

    Just A Blip

    Hi Shitepipe!