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  1. Willie Willions

    The Famous NTM - this Sunday in Bohs

    Sunday 16th July, Bohs Bar, Phibsboro. E5 before 9.00 E6 after. The Famous NTM (Nique Ta Mere) - Punk HxC rapide de banlieue - Complan Droppin' Bombs Dead Kev and the Frenchies (maybe) The Famous NTM play, according to Arnaud - "Dirty hardcore punk from the...
  2. Willie Willions


    If anyone has Seamus' - punk-rocker, goes to NCAD, has welding skills - number can they pm it to me please?
  3. Willie Willions

    Stephen Doyle

    Anyone got an email/phone number for him?
  4. Willie Willions


    Hello. Is there a thread around here about cheapo (or not so cheapo)soundproofing?
  5. Willie Willions

    Collective practice space

    Ok, I've found a place, its in Drumcondra, lockup behind a house, 400sq. feet, 600 quid a month. Me, Donal, Daragh and Lam have put up the 600 quid deposit so were good to go! I want to get anyone who wants to get envolved together this week so's we can start working on shit. I'm thinking next...
  6. Willie Willions

    Patrick Fitzgerald

    Does anyone know where I can find the interview of him from when after he sold out an' all like?
  7. Willie Willions

    Akira Soundtrack

    Does anyone know where I can find more stuff by Shoji Yamashiro, the composer dude that did the soundtrack, or Geinoh Yamashirogumi? Been looking for ages and cannae find anything.
  8. Willie Willions

    Oi Polloi

    Whats the name of that song with the chorus of "it doesn't have to be like this"? Can't facking remember and can't find it on the net. P.S. They were deadly in Scotland.
  9. Willie Willions

    Just in case anyone doesn't know...

    The Roisin Dubh Trust has announced that the statue in Dublin to the late guitar legend Phil Lynott of THIN LIZZY will be officially unveiled the weekend of August 19-20, 2005. The unveiling of the life size-bronze statue will take place in the late evening once all trading has ceased for the...
  10. Willie Willions


    Can't seem to find anything by this band, they're on Crass Records I'm pretty sure, anyone got any ideas?
  11. Willie Willions

    I'm sitting in the garden

    Hanging around with my monkey pals. Anyone got a banana?
  12. Willie Willions


    Ooooo aaaaaa banana?
  13. Willie Willions

    My name is Eoin

    I look a bit like this:
  14. Willie Willions

    Collective Practice Space pt. 2

    Ok, haven't been doing much on this front because I've been looking for a gaff but thats pretty much sorted now. I've been looking in the Herald and various wotsits but there isn't really much point viewing anywhere untill we have some sort of meeting in Real Life. We need to talk about the...
  15. Willie Willions


    Yo, is anyone planning on going to GGI and then making their way to Scotland for the anti-G8 stuff? I want to try and coordinate some kind of travel arangements with whoever is doing this.
  16. Willie Willions

    Del Steampig contact

    Yo, has anyone gots his no.? PM me or summat.
  17. Willie Willions

    New phone!

    I figured this would be easier than telling everyone in real life. Thanks to the ever-deadly Stanto, the bat phone is now operational, me and The Black Donzer can be reached at 087 6844845, thats if the phone isn't lost or always off. Which may happen.
  18. Willie Willions

    Collective practice-space

    Ok, I think the current situation of paying loadsa dosh for fuck all time in shitty practice rooms on shitty equipment has gone on too long. I don't think it would be too hard to rent a warehouse-type place, fixing it up, etc, for a collective practice-space. I'm starting looking into somewhere...
  19. Willie Willions

    Shocking links between Mous and Garbage Pail Kids

    Art Spiegelman, creater of Mous is also the creator of Garbage Pail Kids. Now thats interesting.
  20. Willie Willions

    The Goonies

    I think this warrents a new thread. I got the Goonies dvd with the mythical squid scene. Wow. Theres a load of out-takes too, its fucking great! Also, theres the video of the Cindy Lauper song and get this: she's wearing a bullet-belt! What more could you want?