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  • Before: Sep 1, 2021
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967) oliver stone’s doors movie. I remember that I assumed at the time that it was a track from a then-contemporary band. the idea that it was *also* from back in the crusty old 60s like the doors just did not even occur to me. it sounded so immediate and relevant and, well, mind-blowing, that...
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    Hellworld Thread

    americans have finally ended sexism by now allowing all genders to aspire to overconfident mediocrity
  3. T

    2021 tunes worth a listen...

    this is not a 2021 tune, it’s a 1973 tune, but it’s been re-released in 2021. I know nothing about it other than what’s in the description (korean psychedelic folk-pop that was sort of manufactured, nico style). I think it did the rounds on a few music blogs a little while back. anyway, I...
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    Minor Pleasures

    last week myself and a couple of friends were having an evening barbeque with a few drinks and generally just having a late-summer good old time, and we stuck on the perfect musical accompaniment to this activity, which is, of course, playing exile on main street straight through from start to...
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    Minor complaints thread

    some of the greatest music of the twentieth century
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    oh, also — there’s a semi-equivalent to “gammon” over here, which is “alman” (turkish/arabic word for german). and, of course, inevitably, there’s a whole manufactured-outrage industry that churns out articles saying that calling someone “alman” is the worst kind of despicable racism. it’s...
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    these articles are so tedious. they could really be written by a bot at a certain point. I wonder if the people writing them ever end up feeling like tin pan alley songwriters, just churning this stuff out. I’ll only add that, at least in my own understanding, “gammon” is not a class-based...
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    Hellworld Thread

    here I get to insert my strange disclaimer: I got money from elon, indirectly. was working on a sound art thing that got some money from a museum, and that money in turn came to them from spacex. so I’m a sellout
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    Hellworld Thread

    trueanon had some similar thoughts recently
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    Hellworld Thread

    trueanon had some similar thoughts recently
  11. T

    Rock n roll or what

    I was reading a thing about devo a while back where they talked about how they were a semi-well-known band in Ohio, and then brian eno got wind of them, they show up in new york, their first non-ohio gig is in CBGBs, where they are introduced onstage by david bowie. almost like a parody of...
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    of course you can’t say “red-faced” anymore either because it’s insensitive to communists
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    I thought the whole idea of “gammon” was that it was in reference to becoming red-faced through paroxysms of rage — is that not true? have I been misunderstanding this all along?
  14. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    finally properly watched jacques tati’s playtime, after everyone telling me to watch it for the last zillion years. visually impressive, yes. but an intensely irritating movie. almost turned it off at a couple of different points. still trying to figure out exactly why it annoyed me so much.
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    there is a certain kind of boiling-rage-fuelled contempt that I find myself feeling *only* for tony blair, and no-one else. he is in some kind of separate category of hideousness that is beyond all measure.
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    watched a video earlier that a guy posted, where he was talking, fairly narrowly, about why the US was in afghanistan. seemed smart enough, was curious about what other stuff he does. clicked a couple of links to find out that he’s basically a nazi. super anti-semitic, racist, white-nationalist...
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    that’s mad, I actually happened to be talking to a lithuanian friend about this recently too. she reckons that the country is just too inherently pagan. like they never really became christian back in the ninth century or whatever. so they’re basically a country of forest-worshipping yoga...
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    Going rate for religious ceremonies

    you could slip the €100 into the CD packaging somewhere, so the kid thinks they’re getting some boring uncle rock until they take a closer look... if they ever do
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    Unpopular Opinions

    my brother, who I dearly love, is a centrist dad to an almost absurd degree. I’m basically some kind of terrorist communist weirdo. we have ritualised exchanges of views in a way that feels like a form of kabuki theatre. it’s very soothing.
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    UK Garage, My Arse!

    lololol, just imagining richie edwards knocking out a tune about how transgender snowflakes are ruining brexit