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  • Users: needtokill
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  1. needtokill

    Denovissimis/Tunguska 7"

    just got an email from Kunal.It's back from the plant and sounding great. Available next week fingers crossed, from the bands, myself, Rimbaud, and Superfi .|..|
  2. needtokill


    anyone see this on E4 last night? never has a TV programme been so aptly named. worst comedy show ever.
  3. needtokill

    Look Back and Laugh

    Anyone got either of the LBAL lps they could tape me?I'll do something in return obviously.. And anyone know the connection between this band and Never Healed?
  4. needtokill

    Please Don't Feed The Bears

    Just got this yesterday, deadly vegan recipes a la "soy not oi!"'s a METAL COOKBOOK!In amongst the various recipes are assorted cartoons and quotes and a metal crossword,each recipe has a reccomended soundtrack (eg while making the Hellish Chili of Death you should listen to Deathspell...
  5. needtokill

    MY NAME IS SATAN tshirt?

    I don't suppose anyone has one of these left that they want to part with? Mine was "borrowed" a few years back and I haven't seen it since.
  6. needtokill

    Tours in 2007

    this is more of a heads up really, but the following will be over next year TOWERS (USA) - crushing Deadguy meets Old Man Gloom hardcore 21-23 March AMONG THE MISSING (UK) - Like a punked up Eyehategod 19-22 April more details/info -...
  7. needtokill


    only heard these yesterday for the first time.Infest-tastic.Just ordered the album. Tell me more please (Denver Max..I'm looking in your direction here)
  8. needtokill

    Saw 3

    anyone seen this yet?Supposedly it's considerably more gruesome than the first 2
  9. needtokill

    Video from Everything Went Faster/Heavier fest '06 for xsteox
  10. needtokill

    there's just been a controlled explosion on Dawson street

    ..about 10 minutes ago, at the church on dawson street, right near where I work.Mental.Bomb squad and the whole lot like.
  11. needtokill

    Controlled explosion on Dawson street..

    about 10 minutes the church.right near my work."Suspect Device" allegedly
  12. needtokill


    are apparently finished. Someone,ring Ed and check he hasn't topped himself :D seriously though, well pissed off about of the more interesting heavy bands of the last 10 years or so
  13. needtokill


    November 17th at the Forum I believe..trying to track more details down.Though it'll probably be sold out by the time I do. any chance of a date here?(cough...Timo...cough)
  14. needtokill

    LP sale

    Following stuff for sale.All in excellent condition.Most of this is out of print or difficult to come by, so I've priced accordingly - the prices are set and are not gonna be reduced I'm afraid(well, if you're buying a bunch of stuff maybe) trades either,sorry.Need the cash. Interested...
  15. needtokill

    Eight Types of Destruction pics?

    anyone got any from last night? if so can you post em or mail em to [email protected] muchos grassy arse
  16. needtokill

    wow... ..I actually don't know what to say about this.I'm sure several of the rest of you will though. I presume it's some sort of prank.
  17. needtokill

    old stuff

    Just came back from my ma's with a huge bag of tapes I haven't heard for the best part of a decade..lots of old irish stuff:Neckweed,Nappyrash,Jackbeast,Stomach, Blackbelt Jones, Easpa Measa (when Sean was in them),Cheapskate,Bleeding Rectum.. Much as nostalgia sucks, I'd forgotten how good a...
  18. needtokill


    The Tag Team of Terpsichorian Terror hit the road in about an hour Friday (tonight!) Hogan's Ballina w/Complan saturday (tomorrow!) Doom 101 w/Lungs and (the MIGHTY)Threads maybe something sunday too..not sure yet, will post later if it happens.. HAIL MING!HAIL DOOM!BUCKFAST IST...
  19. needtokill

    YOUR NEW FRIEND & more tonight..

    If anyone fancies dropping by.. YOUR NEW FRIEND (ex Blackbelt Jones/Circle Again - like a hardcore band doing the soundtrack to a John Hughes film..poptastic) EXPLODED FACE(mental Ballina Grindcore with ridiculous effects/samples) INFINITE SHURIKENS (punk rawk) BEBOP AND ROCKSTEADY (two kids...
  20. needtokill

    Your New Friend 28 July Dublin

    Your New Friend (ex Blackbelt Jones/Circle Again,Belfast) Exploded Face (Mayo grind) Soldiers Take Half (Kilcoole) & 1 more TBC Boh's BAr Dalymount Fri 28 July €5 before 9.30/€6 after no cans in the venue please