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  • Before: Nov 19, 2008
  • Users: falsemonkey
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  1. falsemonkey

    Distro affairs

    I can post you a few copies of our album if you like. Just let me know where and if you want them. Gav 20 Bulls Each
  2. falsemonkey

    Upcoming USvsTHEM stuff

    Do the Bus Station Loonies have a Dublin date?
  3. falsemonkey

    "Bad trip" movies...

    Jacobs Ladder. Ultimate bad trip film.
  4. falsemonkey

    Mojakka/PRF/The Wanters/OFAC // 2 Aug

    Savage. I'd be at this if I wasn't away. Great line up.
  5. falsemonkey

    against Dog ban

    They'll all be "Destroyed" after a handover period. I hate aggressive dogs as much as the next man, but this ban Won't work because the PEOPLE who cause these problems won't take any notice
  6. falsemonkey

    one off cock sparrer show

    I read this as "on off cock sparrer show" thought maybe they were doing a gig as a cock sparrer covers band.
  7. falsemonkey

    Gig 15th June, Voodoo Lounge

    Bring some T-shirts down too.
  8. falsemonkey

    Gig 15th June, Voodoo Lounge

  9. falsemonkey

    Swindon bound

    I actually had to drive across that mother on my driving test. It was designed by someone who thought they were being clever. As it turns out they were in fact stupid.
  10. falsemonkey

    New Lobotomies Ep and Euro tour w/ The Cunts.

    Nice One Kev, Think you'll make it through this tour alive?
  11. falsemonkey

    Swindon bound

    We're you doing a google search for "wenches" & "Swindon"?
  12. falsemonkey

    Swindon bound

    The scrap yard is probably the most interesting part of Swindon. I haven't lived there for about 8 years. But even still there is not a single place I think of to reccomend you to eat in, drink at, walk to, buy music at, or poo in. !cheezy
  13. falsemonkey

    23rd May The Something Somethings, My Own Religon, Lobotomies, Droppin Bombs

    Actually we bring our own stage in a lorry, with a lighting rig, and our own crack team of security guards armed with mallets.
  14. falsemonkey

    Swindon bound

    Bristol is your best bet for gigs you can actually get to. Train is the easiest way to get there especially if you can blag yourself a student rail card. Swindon means Pig Hill in old english. But that makes it sound a lot nicer than, infact, it actaully is.
  15. falsemonkey

    Swindon bound

    I grew up in Swindon. The most boring place on the face of the planet. There is literally nothing interesting in the whole cursed place.
  16. falsemonkey

    Guitar & Amp & Pedal For Sale

    Yeah its a nasty little pedal. Never tried a bass through it, but i'd guess it will give a similar noise to a big muff.
  17. falsemonkey

    Guitar & Amp & Pedal For Sale

    Sold the Turbo Rat. All the other stuff is still waiting.
  18. falsemonkey

    Bristol punks

    Savage. Imagine if someone got branded back to front. How foolish would he feel. !cheezy
  19. falsemonkey


    boon noun Textiles. the ligneous waste product obtained by braking and scutching flax. Also called Shove Shine I would have thought it was obvious
  20. falsemonkey

    Gunman kills 32 in Virginia Tech rampage

    You must have clicked on the porn link there matey.