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  • Before: Nov 19, 2008
  • Users: falsemonkey
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  1. falsemonkey

    Drumanacoo (2-day) Punx Picnic, Donegal

    2 tickets for sale. :p:p Yeah I made myself laugh.
  2. falsemonkey

    Comeback Kid - 16 June - Eamonn Doran's

    Madball would have been interesting. Fair play for trying anyway. And also fair play for doing CBK too.
  3. falsemonkey

    extreme peircing in donegal

    The Guiness word record punters won't let any record stand if the person has been drinking. The Bus Station Loonies hold the wolrd record for the most gigs in 12 hours. Can't remember how many gigs they played (20ish), but the official observer was making sure they weren't drinking at the...
  4. falsemonkey

    Comeback Kid - 16 June - Eamonn Doran's

    I thought it was a great turn out for a Monday night. I saw some of Real Talk who were pretty good. Saw all of First Death who were way way better than last time I saw them, I thought there were fucking great. And Comeback Kid were fantastic. Don't own any of their music, but that will...
  5. falsemonkey

    To D200 Or Not

    Got the D300 at the end of last year. Brilliant step up from the D70 in so many ways. In NY at the moment, getting the grip for it and 10.5mm lens tomorrow :) Edit: Posted by Shay!!
  6. falsemonkey

    playlist time

    Yeah Dog Eat Dog were funny at best. But when I was 17 I thought they were the best thing ever. More ropey listening this morning. Hazen Street The Hope Conspiracy - Endnote
  7. falsemonkey

    playlist time

    I don't like or don't know the rest. But highly approved of those choices. This morning I listened to: Dog Eat Dog - All Boro Kings.
  8. falsemonkey

    Lisbon, Lisbono, Liz Bono

    Re: VOTE NO TO LISBON Worst "Information" web page ever. In my opinion there are valid arguments for voting no or yes. However most of the "No" campaign is getting the facts wrong so badly that its a joke.
  9. falsemonkey

    playlist time

    .|..| to all of those. Die Young - Graven Images Mouth Sewn Shut - Doomed future today Cro Mags - Age of Quarrel Municipal Waste - Art of partying
  10. falsemonkey

    If you like cycling and really old shit...

    That actually sounds deadly. I'll likely be away most of August, but would be well into something like that.
  11. falsemonkey

    Mouth Sewn Shut

    Yeah we were really lucky. We also played with Cheech, Olde York, Reason to Fight, Caught in a trap, and a load more on our last gig of the tour. Unfortunately missed some of these as we had to return the gear. But Cheech were cool, and Olde York were really nice guys.
  12. falsemonkey

    Mouth Sewn Shut

    Well I play guitar in 20BE. But while I have the opportunity meet and see some amazing bands on tour, I thought i'd help spread the word on anyone who I thought deserved mentioning. We just played with Die Young and Legion, who share 2 or 3 of the same members. Both were brilliant and super...
  13. falsemonkey

    Mouth Sewn Shut

    This wasn't out at the gig. They're off supporting the Restarts now ffor a couple of weeks.
  14. falsemonkey

    Mouth Sewn Shut

    We played with them in Boston. I got a copy of their new CD to listen to in the van, its really fucking good. They were telling us that they played in Holland somewhere and met an Irish band that they liked, but couldn't remember the name. Instant Asshole were supposed to be playing too but...
  15. falsemonkey

    Mouth Sewn Shut

    We played a gig with this band 2 nights ago. They were really fucking good. Kind of stuff people round these parts listen to. Really nice guys too. check them out.
  16. falsemonkey

    TONIGHT: Boom Boom Room

    You totally do. :eek:
  17. falsemonkey

    TONIGHT: Boom Boom Room

    Check out this handsom chap!
  18. falsemonkey

    go to this film!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cracking film. The singer from the "punk" band is amazing.
  19. falsemonkey

    8th May Boom Boom Room 20BE + Lobotomies

    Must have been a while ago. He opens with that number now. You'll have to be there on the night to see what he finishes with now.!cheezy