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  • Before: Sep 10, 2007
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah


    where are the best places to get stuff framed or buy cheap frames? I have a collage type thing that's 20" by 30" and want one of those clip in glas frames for it. i've looked in a couple of places and they mostly do measurements in centimetres and nothing really fits thus far...might get one...
  2. sarah

    Photo Challenge suggestions

    can I suggest a colour themed challenge that's played like dominos in that you have to match the colour of the previous one and then add a new one. e.g. moose posts a red night time shot, followed by a green grass shot. the next person has to start with a green shot and can pick then following...
  3. sarah

    photo challenge? architecture

    this one is spooky! great shots. i must go to rome some time. here's some to continue in a grey vein
  4. sarah

    photo challenge? architecture

    that's great! really weird angle, is there a second light source or is it just a trick of the eye in that it seems impossible for the light to shine at that window... where is that by the way?
  5. sarah

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    that's deadly, how did you do it underwater cam on timer? is it a pool or a lake?
  6. sarah

    Do single women still exist??

  7. sarah

    Photos of your Pets

    god they are too cute, wish we could have a cat, if jeffrey even hears the word "cats' he goes mad looking for them in order to eat them I presume.
  8. sarah

    Random Photos

    cute hounds diddles! some night time shots in berlin
  9. sarah

    Photo challenge: Red

  10. sarah

    photo challenge: reflections

    a porn themed pinball machine, Berlin
  11. sarah

    back to bacon..

    whoops I meant turn-coat in a more tongue in cheek way, sorry if it came off a bit confrontational. the ex-veggie types that I was mostly referring to are the ones who become total nazies about the not eating meat, all lectures and trying to convert people to the veggie way. When these guys...
  12. sarah

    Virtual Bike Workshop

    That's pretty cool, will look into that thank!, it kills me paying the cash for something so unflattering, but recently I seem to be spending more time off the bike than on it I have a feeling you probably need an undamaged brain for college.
  13. sarah

    back to bacon..

    recently I have notice that some lifelong veggies and also some that have only been veggie for a few years, have taken to meat with such gusto and enthusiasm, it makes me wonder why exactly they bothered going veggie in the first place. Personally I can still understand that people eat meat...
  14. sarah

    Virtual Bike Workshop

    more advice please, this time on lids, are they all much of a muchness been looking in cycleways at specialized helmet for around 110 called aurora or something similar seems really bulky ( i have a very small face) but yer man says it's nice and ventilated which is what I'm after. I overheat...
  15. sarah

    HWCH 2007

    t The selection process doesn't seem fair though-from what I understand...any band wanting to play this pays a E20 registration fee. This is money down the drain when there are acts playing who didn't even register in the first place. point taken, if the entry procedure isn't overseen fairly...
  16. sarah

    Photos of your Pets

    too cute! here's one of jeffrey hanging out the car window:
  17. sarah

    HWCH 2007

    I don't really see why people are getting so worked up about this, the selection process seemed fair enough and the fact that they offer to give feedback detailing the areas that they looked at when selecting bands seems pretty nice. Imagine going to any other festival promoters and asking why...
  18. sarah

    Virtual Bike Workshop

    I'd heartily recommend the armadillo type tyres have one on my front wheel for over a year now which included 6 months + of couriering on it, you can get ones that are the same as armadillos (ie kevlar or whatever it's called) but not all bumpy and shit if that's what you mean with the rougher...
  19. sarah

    Virtual Bike Workshop

    cool and helpful thread... anyone have opinions as to the quality of these here velocity rims? I'm looking at the ones with machines sidewalls which I'm assuming are for road bikes while the others are for track?...larve the colours! opinions...
  20. sarah

    Photo challenge: Red
