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  • Before: Oct 10, 2006
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    i know your eyes... the morning sun I feel you touch me in the pouring rain And the moment that you wander far from me I wanna feel you in my arms again And you come to me on a summer breeze Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave And it's me you need to show CHORUS: How deep is...
  2. La La

    billy gannon stop being a birthday cheat

    you're most definitely not turning 39 today. are you? hehehehe:p
  3. La La

    Happy Boifday Wavioli!

    happy birthday ralph. fuckin love you man. lala xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :heart:
  4. La La

    being an air travel courier

    has anyone done this or know anyone who has? cheep air travel, cant be that bad! (unless you are smuggling in large amounts of crack unawares)
  5. La La

    it's your birthday stan bowles!

    hapi 104
  6. La La

    Happy Birthday egg_

    have a good one. fyi: you share your special day with darknothing. awwwwwwwwwwwwww!
  7. La La

    the brian.html-approved lifestyle thread

    approved by brianoak* *ok well he will when he sees it i'm sure
  8. La La

    Lets have a thought experiment

    if you were Alito for a week, what would you wanna do?
  9. La La


    ok nerds, if you know of any Hoff-related links or sites, post 'em up. in honour of the cheeseball himself. pac man is sooooo 80's. play Pac-Hoff instead: test your beautician skills and give the Hoff a chest wax...
  10. La La

    very disturbing dreams

    right i seem to be going trough a phase of having really fucking horrible dreams/nightmares etc. the latest ones i can remember are two people (called Daniel and Tony - I have no idea who Daniel and Tony are) getting repetedly knocked over by a train :eek: and then last night.....what...
  11. La La

    flotation tank?

    anyone ever tried it? im curious to try it - worth it? what do ya get out of it?
  12. La La

    happy Burns Night all you scotlandish folk.

    When first my brave Johnie lad came to this town, He had a blue bonnet that wanted the crown, But now he has gotten a hat and a feather - Hey, brave Johnie lad, cock up your beaver! Cock up your beaver, and cock it fu' sprush! We'll over the border and gie them a brush: There's...
  13. La La

    when did you start fancying people?

    my first 'sexual' feelings were for Atreyu from the Neverending Story. and, strangely, one of the dudes from Thundercats. think i was about 7....
  14. La La

    how do you feel today?

    a friend of mine sent me an email saying she felt like this. another friend said she felt like this: i feel like this today: so, at the risk of sounding like that annoying vodafone ad........ how are you? (pls use a pickshure) :)
  15. La La

    North Korea

    found these today on BBC. some pics a guy took while there on business. just thought some of ye might be interested!
  16. La La

    happy birthday Mundybrutale

    may your special day be as genuinely wonderful as you. x:p
  17. La La

    the roe vs wade anniversary got me thinking

    about this fantastic zine i read a year ago about the clandestine Jane network that operated in the states prior to the ruling. anyway... i havent been following this Alito stuff much, but isnt it on his agenda that he wants to overrule the supreme court's decision regarding legalised abortions...
  18. La La

    if you could take a brick and pound it into haven's face til she shut up, would you?

    probably, yeah. until (s)he admitted (s)he was hag, anyway. next?
  19. La La

    my bum's gone numb

    from sitting in front of the compuker all day. :(
  20. La La

    who here has been to court?

    what was it for?