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  • Before: Apr 11, 2024
  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    Your work situation

    I wish! If I did, it would be 50% salt.
  2. R

    Your work situation

    We’ve been working on stuff for a few months now and it is being released out in to the big wide world this week. I spent the weekend checking my emails and overthinking everything I’ve done and what I could have done better, and didn’t sleep last night thinking about it, so I’m pretty much...
  3. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    Grafton st now
  4. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    I’m running to Tesco for snacks, to be on the safe side. Town has a weird “Purge” feel to it today.
  5. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    I work politics adjacent, and everyone’s been told to leave immediately and head home.
  6. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    Yep students got the message, but I honestly think it’s a preventative thing and nothing’s actually happened. SDs have come out making the same comments as Mary Lou, so that’s 2 groups so far. On the positive side, the Christmas party I really didn’t want to go to tonight has been cancelled.
  7. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    About 30 minutes ago trinity college contacted students to advise they leave right away. Some government departments had people leave at 2 and are locked up now. Hoping it’s just a preventative thing, it sounds quiet enough out there right now.
  8. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    You’re good people Cornu.
  9. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    They want more lanes for their scooters
  10. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    For the record, people are questioned when they arrive in the country and have to fill in a massive form on their background etc. If the answers are flagged as being a problem, they’re deported. This is something the little dicks from last night never have to worry about
  11. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    The only positive here is that I don’t think there’ll be a massive queue at Bread 41 today. That place is amazing . I’ve got a living room filled with college students now. I think there’s more than when I went to sleep last night. The kid sent a message out to some LGBTQ groups she’s in saying...
  12. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    My half Middle Eastern cousin that moved from Ireland to Australia for work during the recession, is posting a tone of really violent videos from last night and going on about “foreigners out”. Muppet
  13. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    That was for a scheduled protest. Barriers around Leinster house until Monday/Tuesday but you should still be able to walk down Kildare street this weekend.
  14. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    The garda helicopter is still solidly hovering above the Tara st area, so I’m assuming they haven’t all gone away.
  15. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    There’s still a lot of sirens outside still, but it seems to have calmed down.
  16. R

    Major Pleasures

    Just so you know, that was a pity thumbs up.
  17. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    It gets its own thread? Fancy
  18. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    The kid was at a gig in temple bar that was cancelled and they were told to get out and on to the Main Street because the crowd was headed that way. I’m living in town so tried to make my way over to get her back but the guards had blocked the street at Pearse st garda station and said we...
  19. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I’m trying by East 17s stay another day on cassette (it’s for the kid). The cassette is £1.49 but with P&P and import chargers it £15.11. What the actual fuck?!?
  20. R

    Hellworld Thread

    My grandfathers family in Belfast were Jewish, and still managed to be quite senior in the IRA, but that was 1940s-1970s and he had a lot of guns, so there’s no way they wouldn’t have wanted him.