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  • Before: Sep 16, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    Unfit for Consumption zine issue 9 is out now.

    doesnt i hate this part of.... make a strong mentioned commitment to make the zine not like cometbus, as others have done so many times before..... ed lets zine talk!!! come on we only got to have a wee one in eoins kitchen the last time....everyone out heres illiterate and i get no good zine...
  2. mc moley

    Unfit for Consumption zine issue 9 is out now.

    tis a great zine....but it all fairness it is very cometbus in the layout the whole dots thing and the writing....he definitly has his own style of writing though... very enjoyable read. got the unfit #9 today....very good too i would like to say a very big well fucking done....liked the...
  3. mc moley

    kelsey mp3

    i go to college with one of those guys, thats a pretty old song isn't it? he showed me that a while ago, tis ok......they're newer stuff is a lot more rippin.
  4. mc moley

    stupid stickers....playing into their hands

    i dont like the way 'anarchism' is used to group peoples way of thinking. i agree with many ways of thinking common to those who would call themself an anarchist but refuse to submit myself to a group or sect who will tell me what to think or have my own mind catagorised into a little subtitle...
  5. mc moley

    ripcord damage is done flexi

    actualy ed u'd love the metal they have out in the bray shop he had like every maiden record there at one stage, theres a bit of ac dc left some neurosis i think, this weird grindcore comp, plus other stuff. i reckon if anyone has a bit of money and a day to spare head out and check out what...
  6. mc moley

    ripcord damage is done flexi

    it was a comp called SOUNDS OF THE CITIES vol 1: DC. its pretty good, and in very good nic, doesnt look like its ever been played b4. original pressing too and i doubt it if they did loads of them. its got a load of crusty looking punks(cartoon) on the bak skatin and rippin shit up and then...
  7. mc moley

    stupid stickers....playing into their hands

    not sure what that means... who was that girl who was speaking on the late late, i thought she spoke really well about it all. is anybody not going on the weekend....not sure if i can make it to many of the things, got exams starting next week and just started studying yesterday. im fucked.
  8. mc moley

    Le weekend

    is rts on monday? i thought it was sat....marching to farmleigh kinda way
  9. mc moley

    ripcord damage is done flexi

    bushies shop in bray has got loadsa deadly music from the 60's 70's. he has a copy of thin lizzy live and dangerous the irish pressing , and a good selection of older punk stuff too. they're also getting pretty hurt by the darts not runnin on the weekend so a bit of support would be much...
  10. mc moley

    stupid stickers....playing into their hands

    yeah i heard that on the radjo. i totally agree with the original post....i dont even understand the mentality behind making a sticker like that. its intimidating and rediculous. to be honest i myself have been turned off anarchism by slogans and mentalities such as that sticker. What do...
  11. mc moley

    Unfit for Consumption zine issue 9 is out now.

    hey do u want me to take some more for kilcoole and that area? i sold about 14 last time i think....i still hav sum of the old ones anyway ill keep trying to sell them. let us know what ya wanna do ....
  12. mc moley

    possible Irish compilation cdr?

    hey trev ur post tally = 222, your 1/3 as cool as the devil. good work. .|..|
  13. mc moley

    possible Irish compilation cdr?

    soggy peat if im not mistaken? did ya ever throw that interview ya did with us in there? we never broke up! how much are they id like an aul copy or 2
  14. mc moley

    possible Irish compilation cdr?

    hey seeing as we'll (langdon beck and kid blunt )be in england at the same time do you want us to give you a hand? let us know if theyre is anything we can help with and we'l get on it. .|..|
  15. mc moley

    Punk Movie Night!!

    yeah thats the one...its a bit shit though
  16. mc moley

    Homebrew Crew

    i made beer that was about 10% last month tasted sweet!!! its a good idea but not too sure if any of us boggers would be travvellin up.....a good few out this way make it on a regular basis i can try get sum tips together. theres a recipe for fruit beer in bogul num 2. tis dead easy and tasty...
  17. mc moley

    Punk Movie Night!!

    anybody have the stoned age? its not realy a smoking move(although it sounds like one) its about two thrashy grunge kids going around robbing beer from supermarkets and crashing parties, really funny and odd. anybody????
  18. mc moley


    its in a little room in the paddy's hall. turn right after the garage(statoil) and its up the top of that road near a big water tower...they're probably gonna hav to ring me cuz it will be hardish to find.
  19. mc moley

    Squat under surveillance?

    i smell bacon!
  20. mc moley

    true north on monday

    this was probably posted up here already but true north are playing the lower deck with langdon beck and serpents on monday the 5th of april. check it out it shall be fun! (sure what else will ya be doing on a monday!)