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  • Before: Sep 16, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    cool! wonder what will be the next dread mullet?
  2. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    holy shit i just thought you were going sumwhere on holidays! thats pretty cool. whats the scene like there do ya know?
  3. mc moley

    I Walk The Line, Foot In Mouth, Complan, Bincharge on thursday

    tell them fuckers i aint missin there last gig! they better be doing a last kilcoole one those little fuks. grrrrrr
  4. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    oh yeah back to the subject at hand....anybody have an email address for andy harte in kilkenny?? or want these bunch to play at a gig they're putting on?
  5. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    i didnt even bring any of my zines with me i was so busy trying to get our recordings finished and burnin tons of them for the trip. Erin n weeler are actually putting together our number 3 cuz the copier died when i went to do it. so it was zine disastor!!!! sorry bout that!
  6. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    the 26th of june......going to gainseville in about a looking forward to that! so far i've been in new jersey for this week, stayed in 2 houses so far and went to a gig.....the fucking music shops over here are great stuff. went to one of those punk cafes that we all...
  7. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    where abouts r ya now? tis a good name alright!
  8. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    any body been talking to leo (cork) or phil (belfast) lately?? they said they might do gigs but my email seems to be a wee bit fucked and cant get through to them plus im in a different country and cant give them a buzz. so far so good...going to see none more black and hot water music next...
  9. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    hey was wondering if any kilkenny heads wanna do a gig in aug. for a U.S band called the thieving liars? it'll have to be the 13th of aug (me and the liars are going to a wedding on the 12th down there...punk or wha!) just wondering if anybody would be up for it....doesnt matter about money r...
  10. mc moley

    Tour Bus

    one eyed monster perhaps?
  11. mc moley

    possible Irish compilation cdr?

    we're finishing the bass today... so we'll have something very soon. sorry for the dlay
  12. mc moley

    yo AMC folk

    does anybody have a current email address for the amc people...i was emailing them about some foreign bands ill be bringing over up untill april and now i aint getting any response off them....does anybody have a current email address or phone numbr for anybody down there?
  13. mc moley

    coooork folk get in touch. (leo n rhona)

    yeah i got the dates there here for....wana do a cooork gig? they're a hardcore band from new jersey. ex clampdown, ensign, the pedaphiles, its still the same email address right?
  14. mc moley

    coooork folk get in touch. (leo n rhona)

    yo yo yo....hey leo n rhona i sent yez a few emails over the last few weeks....just wanna know if ya got them? it concerns a cork date for a U.S band. in aug anywho let us know
  15. mc moley

    stupid stickers....playing into their hands

    or blue, what ever's your colour!
  16. mc moley

    stupid stickers....playing into their hands

    i think everyones points are very valid, i guess its just an issue of where you stand. but i just feel your not winning any people over to your side by dressing intimidatingly. lets face it you can mask up in pink too! i was just imidiatly pissed off that the media painted it with the brush...
  17. mc moley

    Worst Irish Punk Band Ever

    he's rippin the piss yo
  18. mc moley

    Videos wanted

    shay who does hardcore times has a video of us (langdon beck) and soliders take half playing in bray....i think it might be on his website, not too sure.....anyway sound is ment to be good....very drunken performance(free beer for playing!! i love when that happens)
  19. mc moley

    stupid stickers....playing into their hands

    i said please dont involve yourself in direct action that involves violence. not please dont involve yourself in direct action. and anyway i was just expressin how i feel...nothing idiotic about that. but honestly weeler explain to me how dressing in all black, which looks very...
  20. mc moley

    Unfit for Consumption zine issue 9 is out now.

    its such a charm to deal with such pleasent people such as yourself!:p i didnt even know stephen was working on a third!