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  • Before: Nov 20, 2008
  • Users: Corey
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  1. Corey

    catholic guilt

    Bring her. It'll be fun. You'll both jerk around. She'll love you for it. Forget your principles.
  2. Corey

    Worst film you've ever seen

    By 'worst', im assuming that the threads author means 'badly made/written/etc. There are some great films on this thread. for shame, assholes. I was told to go see Saw when it came out. I never got over how bad it was. Or how shamelessly the next 17 sequels were put together. It still makes...
  3. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    I'm scared of Carla. That is all.
  4. Corey

    You all probably won't understand

    I had to split at half time, i left my da watching it. He was primed for his first coronary. A small part of me is glad that i missed the rest.
  5. Corey


    Now you tell us.
  6. Corey


    This thread is funny. It's about fucking time. And by that, I mean it's about time for some fucking.
  7. Corey

    Deos anyone know how much is costs to book Vicar St?

    6 grand. Betcha.
  8. Corey

    the truth about witches

  9. Corey

    Any decent pubs in the city centre that aren't packed like sardines of a Sat. night?

    Re: Any decent pubs in the city centre that aren't packed like sardines of a Sat. nig Easy answer: No. I went looking last week and resolved to stop hitting town on a saturday altogether.
  10. Corey

    I just left a voicemail for...

    Edit: Gavin Friday.
  11. Corey

    I just left a voicemail for...

  12. Corey

    the truth about witches

    How the fuck did you come across this?
  13. Corey

    Songs of World War One

    I love this kind of stuff. It creeps me out: Vera. And the Drunken Soldiers Choir:
  14. Corey

    Which thumped babe do you prefer?

    Thumped Sex Party. Ossum.
  15. Corey

    Genesis back together

    This is all Disney's fault.
  16. Corey

    asian horror

    Boo-yah! Proper creepy. I did'nt think audition was that great either.
  17. Corey

    Fuck Religion

    Looks like Gazzer's being made go to mass in that outfit again.
  18. Corey


    Not even God can help you Gazzer.
  19. Corey


    You'll learn more. There are loads of words. Like, loads.
  20. Corey


    This Thread is is so Punk.