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  • Users: Corey
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  1. Corey

    If I was a pub...

    If I were a bar i'd be minding my own business if i were you.
  2. Corey


    Good Morning Everybody.
  3. Corey

    Happy Birthday to Stan Bowles, eucrid eucrow on 7th February 2009

    Stan Bowles. Come on Down.
  4. Corey

    If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blanks.)

    Re: If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blan If it were socially acceptable to scare the living shit out of little children in order to discipline them, I would stop doing it.
  5. Corey

    Pete Doherty on the Late Late

    I like that.
  6. Corey

    Pete Doherty on the Late Late

    I should'nt have laughed at this. But i did.
  7. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    Because the girls and gays also need to hit their peak, so to speak. I'm done after that Hendricks episode. I'm wearing a sling like.
  8. Corey

    Pete Doherty on the Late Late

    Ah. Subtlety. "Hi Pete, I demand that you satisfy my producers desire for car-crash television, follow it with a song and then get the fuck off my stage" And that drunk fool in the audience with all her emotions and well, wine i guess. Eeeeeeeeyuck.
  9. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    I concur. The standards have been raised. Huzzah!
  10. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    Good lord. Nevermind.
  11. Corey

    The Wet Room

  12. Corey

    If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blanks.)

    Re: If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blan If it were socially acceptable to fold like a paper bag and go home at 10.30 on a thursday than i'd be asleep by now.
  13. Corey

    If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blanks.)

    Re: If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blan If it were socially acceptable to say nothing at parties, i would go to parties.
  14. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    Great. Now i have to do my washing.
  15. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    No fucking way man. I got here first, and you never pitched in for the gloves.
  16. Corey


    Lets go on the hop and shoot some pool. It'd be way cooler than going home just because it's cawuld.
  17. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    I want that 3mins and 45seconds back. With Interest. Anyway.Who watches Mad Men? Swe-heet Jeeesus. Back ina sec.
  18. Corey


    I've been waiting for this for fucking years. It's stunning. Standing in the dole que at Dun Laoighaoire this morning, in a blizzard, watching the prams and listening to fearful conversation about poverty and the reccession. -It was like something out of a Dickens Novel.
  19. Corey

    Feirm Factor

    I was made watch this by a friend. "Stop being so negative corey, people in the country will find this fantastic" She said some other shit too, but it was drowned out by the sound of hammering on the coffin that is my low opinion of boggers. Sorry folkies. Folks. Sorry.
  20. Corey

    Look on my works, ye mighty,

    He took it down after he died.