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  • Users: Corey
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  1. Corey

    single gear bikes

    I want a Raliegh Burner with mag wheels for rides along the strand, but i'm not a ponce. what do i do?
  2. Corey

    what did you dream of last night or recently

    Last night i dreamed i was awake all night.
  3. Corey

    Willies, who's got one?

    This is not a slow news day.
  4. Corey

    cars - who owns one?

    I do. It's a police car and it's well-weapon.
  5. Corey

    near death experiences

    When i was small i had a habit of carrying change around in my mouth. That is all.
  6. Corey

    Valentine's Day

    Roses are red. Violets are blue. Fuck you.
  7. Corey

    near death experiences

    I fell into a slurry pit when i was 5. I got hit by a car when i was seven. I severed an artery in my groin and i split my balls open.
  8. Corey

    Where's Flashback?

    I miss his epic tales of city life and sleep-riding.
  9. Corey

    If I didn't already have a dog...

    King of Dogs.
  10. Corey

    If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blanks.)

    Re: If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blan Nonono. You misunderstand. I mean if i my spartan-like body actually started smoking during intercourse. Is that socially acceptable?
  11. Corey

    government to special children: get smart stupid!!!

    This is dumber than anything a dumb kid could ever do.
  12. Corey

    If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blanks.)

    Re: If it were socially acceptable to ________, I would __________. (Fill in the blan Is it socially acceptable to smoke whilst riding?
  13. Corey

    The Grammys.

    Dear Stevie-Wonder, Please stop letting other people sing your songs. Thanking You, Corey Corey.
  14. Corey

    Mad Men Season 2 Tonight bbc4

    Stay your torch burning, villager; i did'nt say it was better. It does have the best production design i've seen in a long time though. Apparantly a lot of it is original stuff.
  15. Corey

    What movie did you watch last night?

    did'nt know if i'd dig this. Watched it. "Yeah man. It's Cool. I can dig it."
  16. Corey

    If I was a pub...

    Man. I'd never leave.
  17. Corey

    Mad Men Season 2 Tonight bbc4

    caught a couple of episodes of season 1 and spent two days watching season two. Best thing i've seen since The Wire. Looks amazing too, Whathappen et all need to throw an eye on this. Consult the I Have The Horn For thread for further, essential details.