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  • Users: Corey
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  1. Corey

    Nouveau Vadge The Weekender, Music and Art!!

    Girls only?? No way man.
  2. Corey

    Quotes from your child

    Me: "I need a change of career. I'm at a total loss. Hmmm. What'll i do Coco?" Coco: "PLAY SWORDS!" Beat that, FAS.
  3. Corey

    Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins

  4. Corey

    Neil Young- On The Beach

    Yeah, great album. "ten thousand dune-buggies, coming down the mountain" Laurel canyon must've been great craic altogether.
  5. Corey

    working for yourself

    I was working for myself right up until a month ago. It paid rarely, but when it did, it did well. Loved every minute of it. I've done absolutley nothing for the past month. It does'nt pay at all. Loving every minute of it.
  6. Corey

    Quotes from your child

    That little shit landed me in it proper today. Walking on the footpath by Sandymount strand, Coco's on my shoulders in middle of one of her improvisational compostions,as she does. Two people are coming the opposite way; and one of them is extremely large. Just as they're about to pass, Coco...
  7. Corey

    The Fightin', Fussin' and Mixed MArtial arts thread..

    I'l watch boxing, but the rest of that shit just aint healthy.
  8. Corey

    i want to punch film in the face

    I watched all of Notting Hill once. It was awful.
  9. Corey

    anvil movie

    Finally saw this. Cried a bit.
  10. Corey

    Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins

    ROBOTSFIGHTINGHUMANSFIGHTINGROBOTS! I'm going. Then i'm going back in time to before i went in order to see it again the first time.
  11. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    For the love of God man. I'm just out of the shower and replete with a clean pair. Why you gotta play me like that, yo? If Megan Fox runs in that corset her torso's gonna snap off.
  12. Corey


    This is fast becoming a mental condition amongst people who listen to a lot of electronic music. At some point, after filling their ears with bonified electronic music for a long time, they accidendentally come across an old enya cd and are all of a sudden going "Hey! Whoa! Wait a minute, this...
  13. Corey


    hahahah, oi vhey. You kill me.
  14. Corey


    When's it goin up? This is what you're gonna do. You're gonna throw a couple standard frames on the lesser stuff, to keep the costs down like. But for the good stuff; for the reaaallly hot shit, you're gonna print those up on di-bond plates. It's gonna knock people's fucking socks off. I'll...
  15. Corey

    Threads relating to MCD Productions Events

    Does this mean we can say ******** now?
  16. Corey

    Quotes from your child

    This evening on the way back home: "Papa! Move it!" "Cant hon, we're stuck in a traffic jam." "JAM IS FOR TOAST, LET'S GO ,LET'S GO!!" Thentonight after bath, my old pair are in the kitchen, door bursts open, naked charlotte sprints through the kitchen: "STREAKER!"
  17. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    Gawd. I hate the french.
  18. Corey

    Trolls posting people's full names on a thread

  19. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    I watched The Assassination of Jesse James last night. She was in it. And she was singing. And she had no clothes on. So once more, with feeling:
  20. Corey

    Meeting People

    Aw. You Guyz...